August 6, 2003

"By His Grace, not by our deeds..."

He's Out and He's In

Here's the word from Cobb on the ordination of Gene Robinson. It seems to me that this statement is just about the last word on this issue, but of course it won't be.

What nobody seems to be dealing with is the matter of whether or not gays are welcome in parishes, or whether or not hetrosexual sex offers divine insight not otherwise attainable. It is simply rational that gays are welcome into the body of Christ and are equally worthy of salvation by dint of the fact that they possess souls. All souls are equal in the eyes of God and it is by His grace, not by our deeds that we are saved. No one becomes a priest much less a bishop who does not understand such matters and these are the matters at the heart of the issue.

What does it mean when Kobe Bryant has more defenders than Gene Robinson? I defend his ordination on principle. He is no more sinner today than he was a year ago in obscurity. What has changed is the number of people who have elected themselves qualified to pass judgement on his legitimacy as a member and a leader of the Episcopal Church.

"All souls are equal in the eyes of God and it is by His grace, not by our deeds that we are saved." Simple. Clear. True.

Someone once said, "The basic principle of Democracy is 'Everybody's in, Nobody's out." Do we really need another church in the world with a basic doctrine of "If you're Out, you can't be in?" I'd say, without a scintilla of a doubt, no.

I don't know what other members of the Episcopalian church will do, but speaking as a lapsed Episcopalian I think it is time I went back.

Posted by Vanderleun at August 6, 2003 3:39 PM
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