March 25, 2008

"I'd Twitter It" to Replace "I'd Hit It" in Current Jargon

stanwyck.jpgAmerica's most astute reader of British newspapers, ninme, is doing double linguistic duty in I'm In Maui!

"If I had an iPhone or equivalent, and you were allowed to use the internet on planes, I'd be a Twittering fiend. That lady flying to her Maui vacation with an Obama teeshirt on? I'd Twitter it. The Hawaiian guy and the Seattle-based tourists talking basketball in front of me for six hours straight? I'd Twitter it. The fact that August Rush is the movie I'm not watching as my in-flight entertainment? I'd Twitter it. The fact that the guy at the gate totally gave me a free window seat (from the selection of window seats they reserve to sell for $30 extra a pop the day of departure? I'd Twitter it. The fact that the idiot lady with the three blonde teenaged daughters (God I hate teenagers) reacted, when I politely pointed to the blonde next to the window and said "Um, I think that's my seat", then answered her "Do you mind sitting somewhere else?" with a "I'd really like the window seat" that the lady told her blondes, "You guys can't sit together, she wants the window seat," as if trans-Pacific flights costing hundreds of dollars don't, after all, have assigned seating or anything? I'd totally Twitter it. Standing there in the aisle, I'd Twitter it. Then I'd show her my Twitter page. Then I'd sit down in my window seat, that I got fair and square by acting small, alone, and female."

I don't know what's hotter, hitting it, or verbing a noun so intensely. I'm going for verbing, but then I'm a word guy.

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Posted by Vanderleun at March 25, 2008 10:17 AM | TrackBack
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"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.

Around the Fortress, verbing is considered an indictable offense. Your quotee would be hogtied, slathered with Crisco, and run out of town on a Segway.

Given her "diction," though, she'd probably enjoy it.

Posted by: Francis W. Porretto at March 25, 2008 2:13 PM

While ninme has my sympathy and agreement about teenagers, the airplane monologue is "totally" annoying. I think there was an observation hereabouts recently about Joan of Arc and blogging that might apply....

Posted by: Mike Anderson at March 25, 2008 2:16 PM

Good gracious, my diction marks me as a sadomasochist cowgirl? I had no idea. I thought all my British influences would have prevented that but evidently these things work in opposites? Perhaps I should sprinkle my writing with the phrase "Spank me, cowboy!" and I'll come of as a high-brow Sloanie?

And since I'd be, ah, "Twittering" my "airplane monologue" in my small Twitter "window" in the "sidebar" of my "blog", I think it would be easy to ignore and, indeed, only annoying to a, ah, "masochist". Although not *too* annoying, since I'm not one to use quotation marks to indicate emphasis.

Posted by: ninme at March 26, 2008 9:23 AM
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