November 7, 2012

"The Common Sense Resistance" -- Tonight was the Night That Freed America

A New Beginning... Bill Whittle on the Virtuous Citizens and How to Ignore the Parasites.

This is a fascinating and inspiring off the top of the head rap by Bill Whittle. Yes, it is almost one and a half hours long. Yes, I listened to all of it. And, yes, if you can't you will really miss out of beginning to figure out where free men and women go from here. Too bad. But like Whittle says, "We're not going to waste another second of our time with these people."

You say you are looking for a path forward? Here's 90 minutes of insights and plans. Do you have to agree with all of it? No. It's open source.

Some excerpts and notes:

I'm tired of looking backward.

If 5 million put in $9.95 a month for three years....

We have to build parallel structures.

Now you start getting into things that nobody talks about. But I'm going to talk about them.

What is going to come after this age of giant government.

The public changes and then the politics follows.

When you have a horizontally dispersed economy, you will -- and you must have -- have a horizontally dispersed government.

It's time to stop thinking about winning elections. It's time to stop thinking about Republicans and Democrats and liberals and conservatives. It's time to stop putting money and energy into the government because the government is not the country and the government has never been the country. Ever. This country was founded on the principle of being opposed to a government. So if Barack Obama won control of the government it does not mean he won control of America. He won control of what is preventing us from being America.

The Common-Sense Resistance is a self selecting group of people who understand that hard work should be rewarded, that nothing is free, and that solutions are available and obvious.

I'm tired of looking backward. I'm tired of complaining about media bias. They don't get another gram of our energy. They don't get a penny past what we owe them.

We're not going to waste another second of our time with these people.

The Republican brand is permanently tarnished. The word "conservative" is in many ways not indicative of the way many of us think.

The world breaks down into people who are "problem solvers" and those people who are problems.

Barack Obama was just elected to be the captain of the Titanic.

These people have inherited ashes.

Posted by gerardvanderleun at November 7, 2012 1:53 PM
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"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.

Thanks for posting this!

Posted by: Lorne at November 7, 2012 3:18 PM

My own personal thoughts on the subject of politics, as originally voiced by Robinson Jeffers.

Posted by: Jake Was Here at November 7, 2012 3:55 PM

Bill Whittle is right: Ignore them.

Melt into background. Give to Caesar what is his. Hone you industry and your character. Avoid any handouts anything government sponsored (yet pay your taxes).

Anybody caught in the gears of the media/government sponsored systems will be literal trainwrecks (kinda like the characters in the movie 'Idiocracy') and you will run circles around those pathetic parasites.

As of today, my interest in politics is over.

Yes, it has been waning since the Housing Market Crash, but now I am consciously diverting my attention elsewhere. I am handing in my 'Republican Card' (that is a major target on my back no different than the French bourgeois (Middle Class) during the French Revolution and the Russian Kulak (Land Owning Peasant) during the Russian Revolution. Yes, I am White and Male and thus cannot take that target off my back (Anti-White Race Revolution coming to the future US, maybe???), but I am going to make myself as small a target as possible to the leftist Education/Media Juggernaut.

Be as productive as I can. Pay my taxes. But I will ignore them. Build/be-part-of my own virtual network of friends, businesses and likeminded-christians apart from the rotting government/social systems that have been taken over and poisoned by the liberals.

Peaceful. Christian. Productive. Healthy. Yes, I will continue to pay homage (should I say Dhimmi-tax?) to the Liberals and their idiot social programs, but I WILL BE FREE in spite of them.

Thanks Bill Whittle. You give me hope.

Posted by: Cond0011 at November 7, 2012 4:06 PM

All due respect to Bill, let'er burn.

Posted by: butch at November 7, 2012 4:12 PM

Thank you Gerard. I think is the single most important video on YouTube ever.

Posted by: Maksim at November 7, 2012 4:21 PM

After watching this , I finally am feeling better after such an awful day. He's right about the republican "brand"- they have Sarah Palinized it. Bill's idea is intriging and my energy and efforts will be much better spent going in that direction rather than wasting anymore brain cells on dem vs repub.! I gave people a pass in 2008 because his campaign was so vaporous, but not in 2012; those voters, my many neighbors, have voted for the willful destruction of this country as we know it. I am DONE with them!

Posted by: pink lady at November 7, 2012 5:02 PM

Many good thoughts and ideas here. Thanks, Mr. Whittle.

Posted by: Skorpion at November 7, 2012 5:46 PM

I have been trying all day to express how I feel. Bill Whittle did it for me. Amen, and thank you both.

Posted by: mushroom at November 7, 2012 6:03 PM

Oh Gerard - God bless you for posting this. I needed to hear these words and ideas so very, very much. Thank you.

Posted by: teresa at November 7, 2012 6:03 PM

On your recommendation, Gerard, I'll give it a whirl tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be in a better frame of mind to receive the message.

Posted by: Cameron Wood at November 7, 2012 6:32 PM

Blah, blah, blah.

Conservatives talk. For an hour and a fucking half.

Liberals/commies/progressives act.

Simple as that.

Talk versus action.

Action wins.

Posted by: Fred Z at November 7, 2012 6:57 PM

How do I find this on YouTube?

Posted by: Ashen at November 7, 2012 7:06 PM

The one flaw is the naive presumption the Iranians running the White House and their one world utopia enablers (both islamic and socialist) do not want to totally destroy your country to bring down the rest of the West.

Posted by: at November 7, 2012 7:36 PM

Thank you Gerard. This was the first thing that has inspired me in weeks. I should have known better. I have home schooled for 13 years, living a "parallel" life the whole time. It is so liberating, and I have whole, stellar, talented children to show for it. The best revenge, is a life well lived.

Posted by: Leslie at November 7, 2012 7:37 PM

Whittle is proposing a sheeple weak response that will fail. Being reasonable in the face of tyranny is not a virtue. Washington would not have taken this road. Nope. Democracy failed. There is another way.

Posted by: Gary Foster at November 7, 2012 7:43 PM

Thank you for posting this.

I too have homeschooled. At a public meeting almost 8 years ago during a heated argument about gay characters in a school play... I stood up and said.. "We are arguing about putting brakes on a bus that has already went over a cliff. Im getting out of the bus and taking my kids with me." I got up and left. My wife was teaching 3rd grade at the time in the same school district. We just ignore them now.

Bill W. is saying the same thing. He is not saying that this new paradigm will avoid hard times.. I think that (hard times and chaos) will happen. This is how we cope, survive and prosper even.

Get fit. Eat right. Reduce your debt. Collect assets (real assets). Teach your children well.
Make men out of your boys and women out of your girls. Ignore the culture and embrace your virtue. Be A Living Sacrifice.

God Bless you Gerard,
God Bless the remnant,

In Christ, because outside of Christ there is no hope,

Bill Henry

Posted by: Bill Henry at November 7, 2012 7:48 PM

Let's all send a congratulatory card to Obama on his captainship of the Titanic and wish him a fond farewell and a tallly ho. Enjoy the cruise.

Posted by: Sheri G. at November 7, 2012 7:54 PM

where can i find this on youtube?

Posted by: ashen at November 7, 2012 8:26 PM

Wonderful video. But I wish to point out that all that happened was that the Republican party asked people to vote for a man who was nice, yet was a member of a church that until quite recently most Americans thought was a strange cult. That seniors and others who normally vote Republican did not turn out for him--look at the stats--is not unexpected If the Republicans would bother to put up a better candidate, the results would be different.

Posted by: Gloria at November 7, 2012 9:08 PM

I must admit to having a man-crush on Bill Whittle. Listening to it now.

Posted by: Brett_McS at November 7, 2012 9:13 PM

Ashen, Click on the arrow. When it starts playing you'll see at the bottom right "YouTube". Click on that and it'll take you to, yep, you guessed it, YouTube.

This doesn't convey the sense of this. It's passive, submissive. Are we really to forever suffer the slings and arrows of our enemies? The old song says, onward Christian soldiers, marching as to, what? Go along to get along? Don't go peacefully into the long dark night as this advises.

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

Posted by: at November 7, 2012 9:29 PM

Ann Barnhardt's solution is better methinks, but Whittle has cheered me greatly.

Posted by: Jewel at November 7, 2012 9:39 PM

First let me say that I like and respect Bill and read his stuff long before he was well known in conservative circles. Having said that, I think he's nuts.

Do you really think "they" are going to let you do the things he suggests? Let's see, Nannyberg is able to limit salt, and the size of sugary drink portions. Out in the People's Republic of Epic Stupidity, California to most people, they're looking to tax businesses that sell sugary drinks, not an extra tax on the drinks themselves mind you, a special tax on businesses which sell them.

Do you really think they won't tighten the screws now that El Jeffe has " more flexibility"?

Face it, America received a cancer diagnoses with the New Deal, it reached stage 1 with the 1965 Welfare Act, stage 2 was the creation of the EPA, stage 3 was the creation of the Depts of Education and Energy, stage 4 was the Community Reinvestment Act and with the Affordable Care Act the country entered a hospice. Tuesday's election was the first handful of dirt on the coffin lid.

Dreams are nice but they're not real, and we've been dreaming for too long that we lived in a country which valued freedom and personal responsibility while it became a country of petty tyranny and dependence.

Posted by: Tom at November 8, 2012 1:36 AM

Bill Whittle is a national treasure much like Mark Steyn (but not as funny). I've been reading him since Eject! Eject! Eject! and have come to trust his sensibility. I needed this video. It's the only way forward we have. We cannot engage them, sure some will, and maybe they should, but for our community, Bill is 100% correct. Parallel societies.

Posted by: bonny kate at November 8, 2012 3:59 AM

Wifey home-schooled our kids, so we know about parallel structures.

To hear Bill speak about paying taxes and then living apart from the madness is refreshing.

Posted by: sTevo at November 8, 2012 4:25 AM

Good stuff, but I'm not inclined to render unto Caesar any more than I can [legally] get away with...And given all the loopholes his centurions have left for themselves...Well.

Posted by: monkeyfan at November 8, 2012 4:37 AM

I watched this twice. Bill makes a couple of excellent points which contribute, in a modest way, to the discussion. Bill still carries lots of yesterday's failed conservative SWPL baggage.

However, 'the song, not the singer.' As Gerald says, this is 'open source.' Ethnic nationalists, secessionists, and tribal anarchists can profit from viewing this video.

I'm picking up "The Starfish and the Spider' from the library today.

Posted by: Lorne at November 8, 2012 5:02 AM

New Sheriff is needed.

Asking the chicago thug is repect the rule of law is insane!

Posted by: A.Men at November 8, 2012 5:49 AM

Tom, no, the State is not going to "let" you do anything. You do it and see if they can stop you.

Back to Solzhenitsyn -- Don't believe them, don't fear them, don't ask anything of them.

Posted by: mushroom at November 8, 2012 7:09 AM

LOL. You folks didn't realize how many Young Pioneers we have in this country, did you? Well, you know now. Now that the Party has seized control of the Winter Palace, all the little Bolsheviks can take off their masks and wave high the blood-red banner. (Guess what the word "bolshevik" means in Russian?)

The Revolution is over. With Black Lenin's unimpeachable power (heh), they will now proceed to construct the socialist order.

For what it's worth, folks, any political approach we might take -- even the one outlined in the video -- is pointless.

If the recent election has shown anything it's that ideology isn't going to save us. What's going to save us is Christianity and nationalism. That's not Amurrrican "nationalism", the kind dependent on a piece of ink-stained parchment or an ideology, but real, ethnic nationalism, as in ancestry, language, and culture. And that's not that wishy-washy guidance-counselor ersatz Christianity, but the kind that isn't "nice" -- the kind that Jesus Himself taught and the kind that men like Saint Louis and King Jan Sobieski practiced.

I know many of you think Christianity and nationalism are stupid, but historically the combination is the only force that has ever defeated the twin demons of Islam (Spain, 1492) and communism (Spain, 1936), and it's the only force that will defeat them now. Now, I know some of you think God is a fairy tale, and I know most of you sincerely believe that men of good will united by the Constitution can live in peace, but please believe me when I tell you that you are wrong on both counts. We are in a racial and spiritual war -- and we had better recognize that fact if we wish to survive.

"Racial war". I know you don't like the sound of that. I don't like it, either. We have all been trained from birth in the dogma that "people are people", that "we're all the same under the skin", and that "all men are equal in God's eyes." Fine sentiments -- but they don't track with reality as observed. Only the last of these is true. We are about to find out the other two were lies -- and we'll find it out the hard way. There are many fine folk among the members of every race, of course, but the fact that some individual members of a given race are simpatico does not erase the fact that races as such exist, and that these races have divergent and often-incompatible interests.

You can't blame blacks, Latinos, and Asian-Americans for their support of the President. He will act in their interests. Unlike white people, blacks, browns, and Asians admit that they exist and that they have interests. We whites can't even admit that we exist!

But we are going to have to do the same as the brown people do -- or we'll die. The Lord says that we must love our neighbor as ourselves, and of course we all believe Him. But what often gets overlooked is that you can't love your neighbor as yourself unless you love yourself. and the first step to loving yourself is to admit that you exist and that you have the right to exist.

Please note: I'm not arguing for hatred, violence, pointy hoods, swastikas, or any of that nonsense. Hatred is antichristian and destructive. Violence is permissible only in defense of self or others. And only white trash would wear a swastika or pointy hood. I am arguing for love -- love of our own people, of our own ways, of our own children -- not hatred of others. To paraphrase Lyndon Baines Johnson, "We must learn to love ourselves, or we must die."

As for the spiritual war: I don't think that the president and his minions are personally evil. But I do think that they are at the very least slaves of our Enemy, who is the Devil himself.

And you can't fight the Devil with clever Internet arguments. Argument is over. Politics is over. There are no longer enough conservative white people left to keep the world afloat. Liberal brown people control it all now, and they will impose their worldview and way of life on us. We cannot stop them at the ballot box: they still have children, while we stopped. We cannot defeat them by debate; debate be raciss. We are going to have to stop thinking in terms of elections and arguments and adopt attitudes and behaviors that we might once have considered deeply repugnant in order to survive.

In any case, I hope the election of 2012 has opened your eyes in some small way to the realities of the world we now face. The old world is over, gang, and we are all going to have to begin thinking and acting in a new way if we wish to survive, much less remain free. Such bold thinking is being done elsewhere on the Internet. If you want to be part of it, I can recommend several places to start. Please feel free to contact me via e-mail if the whim strikes you.

If not, best of luck. Sticking with the old paradigm won't work any more. Just remember this, folks: The enemy no longer cares about your arguments. They know they are right. And besides, you a raciss, so nothing you say matters.

Each of us has a choice to make: do we continue to live in the world that was, the world of the Pledge, Old Glory, and suburbia, or do we step up and face reality as it is, no matter how unpleasant that reality may be?

Choose. "Night cometh".

Posted by: Robert Oculus III at November 8, 2012 8:14 AM

I too have listened to - and read - most of Whittle's work for the past five years during the propaganda war agin the Obamamob, which we lost - twice.

Having just sat through this one-man brainstorm, I'm wondering whether he's a genius, or madman - suffering from Obattle fatigue. A provocative dissertation indeed, much food for thought. I'll go for genius for now; while keeping an eye open for the men in white coats. After all, most geniuses were considered mad(wom)men before the tangible benefits of their genius become obvious and profitable for non-geniuses. Let's see how he develops the wheeze. By the way, I had to grit my teeth through the first $9.99 pitch; I thought "Whooa! Not another Ponzi." Glad I passed through the pain barrier and watched the rest. But I fear many who had not experienced his prior work may have clicked out at that point.

Posted by: Frank P at November 8, 2012 8:50 AM

@ Oculus

"Argument is over. Politics is over. "


~55 million people voted for Obama: A man who has NO plan for economic recovery and has brought more debt to this nation than any other president ... combined.

Now pause for a moment and let that 'logic' sink in. Sink in real deep.

The time for listening to the liberals is over. What shape or form will this irrational mob take in the near future, I do not know. But I fear the worst is coming - and I'm not talking the Stay-Puff Marshmellow Man(tm), either.

All I can see at this point is to wait and listen to their leaders. Here is one quote from Valerie Jarret:

"After we win this election, it's our turn. Payback time. Everyone not with us is against us and they better be ready because we don't forget. The ones who helped us will be rewarded, the ones who opposed us will get what they deserve. There is going to be hell to pay. Congress won't be a problem for us this time. No election to worry about after this is over and we have two judges ready to go."


Posted by: Cond0011 at November 8, 2012 9:56 AM

@ Oculus

"Argument is over. Politics is over. "


~55 million people voted for Obama: A man who has NO plan for economic recovery and has brought more debt to this nation than any other president ... combined.

Now pause for a moment and let that 'logic' sink in. Sink in real deep.

The time for listening to the liberals is over. What shape or form will this irrational mob take in the near future, I do not know. But I fear the worst is coming - and I'm not talking the Stay-Puff Marshmellow Man(tm), either.

All I can see at this point is to wait and listen to their leaders. Here is one quote from Valerie Jarret:

"After we win this election, it's our turn. Payback time. Everyone not with us is against us and they better be ready because we don't forget. The ones who helped us will be rewarded, the ones who opposed us will get what they deserve. There is going to be hell to pay. Congress won't be a problem for us this time. No election to worry about after this is over and we have two judges ready to go."


Posted by: Cond0011 at November 8, 2012 9:57 AM

Bill is an optomist. It is always time to be realistic, and the reality is that it is time to be pessimistic.

Bill is close, but not right. There are and will be parallel common sense communities, but they will not be millions of people paying $10/mo to create a space program. They will mostly be a community about the size of a medieval village (20-40 families, ~100 people). Maybe as large as a modest modern parish. They will not put a man on the moon, but they will get their children educated, they will do a material part (not all) of their business with each other. There will be links (but not a hierarchy) between like minded communities. Much like modern orthodox Jewish or Amish communities.

Bill recognizes that staying off the gov't radar is key to the success of his plan. What he doesn't realize is that is impossible. He needs to read "3 felonies a day" (I haven't, but I know it). When the authorities take in interest in you, they will find something. And if they can't, they will make it up. The gov't will not allow any material, large scale challenge to their power and authority. The eye of Sauron can crush anything and anyone, but it cannot focus everywhere. The key will be in being small enough to escape with only a cursory glance of attention. These communities are likely to be church centered (and I say that as an atheist). They will not put a man on the moon, but hopefully it can get a piece of our culture through the coming dark ages.

The first focus should be on education (and I say that as someone childless). We need to educate our children, and the public schools will neither do it nor allow it in their midst. A week ago, there was hope of moving towards vouchers, that hope is dead; it will need to be entirely privately funded. It will be well north of $10/month. It will be painful economically for those who start it and create the material. It is already starting at the college level, but it needs to be moved into elementary school through high school level.

A small group of really great (private school non-unionized) teachers is the place to start with a careful look at breaking the curriculum in to digestible pieces (much like Khan academy, but professionally done, and with a series carefully laid out paths to ensure the material is comprehensive). The presentation of the material should be pre-recorded and delivered AV, discussion of the material facilitated in person. A single in person 'teacher' is entirely focused on the children and their progress, interactive questioning, checking their work, not on getting the next lecture ready. There will not be one right answer, but there should be a series of competing 'products' each improving with each other.

I too am an optomist. I don't think we are entirely doomed. Very hard times are inevitable, but we can get some good through them. If I am wrong, Orwell's 1984 will be a relative paradise.

Posted by: Daedalus Mugged at November 8, 2012 9:59 AM

Yeah, I clicked out. Don't need a savior, a prescription from someone else, and Occulus' excellent comment is wrong on one point. They are evil, not just instruments of... If you do wrong its easier to do wrong the next time. Keep it up and wrong owns you; you become in spirit what you repeatedly go to. Murder once and keep at it and you get real good at it, turn it into a fine art. And murder is the least of their malfeasance. Think abortion. Think drone strikes. Interesting fact. Romney got about 3 million fewer votes than McCain did in '08. That's because the so called conservative base didn't get motivated to turn out. No surprise there. Just maybe the so called conservative base has realized they have become what they repeatedly revert to. Dupes of the ruling class elite.

Posted by: John Hinds at November 8, 2012 10:01 AM

We won't find the answers in the morning after a bad night out. What we'll find there are more misunderstandings. This is not the first hangover.

This does however seem to have prodded good people to begin asking different questions, and those few who have been asking different questions for some time are getting noticed.

The low turnout is extremely significant, no matter how you look at it.

Posted by: james wilson at November 8, 2012 10:06 AM

Thank you. I feel a lot better, well.... somewhat better.

Posted by: Evelyn McQuary at November 8, 2012 5:38 PM

Thank you. I feel a lot better, well.... somewhat better.

Posted by: Evelyn McQuary at November 8, 2012 5:38 PM

Thank you. I feel a lot better, well.... somewhat better.

Posted by: Evelyn McQuary at November 8, 2012 5:38 PM

Thank you. I feel a lot better, well.... somewhat better.

Posted by: Evelyn McQuary at November 8, 2012 5:38 PM

Thank you. I feel a lot better, well.... somewhat better.

Posted by: Evelyn McQuary at November 8, 2012 5:38 PM

The one absolute with the Obama cabal is the you won't ignore them without consequence. Ideological bullies don't operate that way - study the history that they are going to try to emulate. Hiding your head in the sand won't work this time. They win - you lose. You win - they lose. It will be one or the other. Your children and my children will live with our past mistakes; and very probably die if we make the wrong choice in how we defend them from what is coming. The truth is not nearly as soothing as Mr. Whittles' unrealistic dreams. The Regime won't stand for any pacifist, low profile "ignorers of their Truth". Won't happen. They win - you lose. You win - they lose. That is the choice that remains.

The Mongols didn't by-pass peacefull, non-participating, low profile villages; they sacked those villages first. Picked the low hanging fruit and then moved on to the more aggravating villages. You figure Obama & Regime are not as smart as the Mongols.

Hard times are coming; they will require hard decisions and a ruthless, hardy people. Politics is no longer needed by Obama to Rule this nation. He has the whiphand and he will use it.

Posted by: Bill Cleveland at November 8, 2012 5:54 PM

Evelyn McQuary, you need help with that stutter?

Posted by: at November 8, 2012 6:17 PM

I really like your concepts. The problems I see is stopping the goverment from doing the same thing to this that they have to the american people. What if Obama decides to do what they say it is going to do to peoples retirement accounts. What is stopping the left from coming into what the people have created and enjoying the fruits of the hard labor but they contribute nothing. How do you stop the ACLU from going to court so you have to share.

Posted by: Carol Cumbie at November 8, 2012 6:35 PM

I really like your concepts. The problems I see is stopping the goverment from doing the same thing to this that they have to the american people. What if Obama decides to do what they say it is going to do to peoples retirement accounts. What is stopping the left from coming into what the people have created and enjoying the fruits of the hard labor but they contribute nothing. How do you stop the ACLU from going to court so you have to share.

Posted by: Carol Cumbie at November 8, 2012 6:37 PM

Feel good stuff. Like a shot and a fresh doobie. In the morning, though you have to face reality. This might be the future, but not the near future. That is considerably more bleak and there is no ignoring it.

Posted by: jwoop66 at November 8, 2012 7:41 PM

Feel good stuff. Like a shot and a fresh doobie. In the morning, though you have to face reality. This might be the future, but not the near future. That is considerably more bleak and there is no ignoring it.

Posted by: jwoop66 at November 8, 2012 7:41 PM


I don't invest 1.5 hrs in watching anyone's video lightly, but a friend I respect asked, so I did and was glad of it. I would like to offer some praise and an argument for a complementary solution if I may, pls.

THE GOOD: Lots of great ideas and historical perspective, especially the parallel education system which is needed NOW. Quite intriguing. We (Cdns & Americans)waste huge dollars on our federal elections to perpetuate a sinking, increasingly abusive & unwieldy machine so paying $9.95 a month seems like a bargain.


1. Your suggestion that we simply write off the 30-40% of our income and ignore the machine only works if the machine decides not to confiscate more and more of our property and freedom to work outside it via higher taxes and stifling regulations. Not a safe bet at all.

2. You're suggesting that you/we can simply opt out, pay our dhimmi taxes and be free without paying a real price for that freedom. No protests. No elections. No rallies. No civil disobedience. No jail. No taunts of 'racist!' No arguments. No blood. This has rarely been true in human history and it certainly wasn't true for your country. Freedom demands a far, far higher price than $9.95.

3. You argue to forget about winning elections. This argument overlooks the reality that virtuous people are NOT distributed evenly across the nation and, in fact, won election election landslides in a number of states.

THE SOLUTION: I argue that you have to think about winning the RIGHT elections. Perhaps it is time to start a democratic, peacful movment advocating for secession from the union for a state or states like, say, Texas while at the same time you build your parallel structures for the new economy to attract even more converts.

Rosa Parks didn't know what she would start in 1955 and you won't know what good can happen when a whole bunch of virtuous people in a state like Texas throw the tea in the water - again.

I agree with you that Nov 6 wasn't the end of America, but the beginning. I posit that it is the beginning of a new revolution.

Like you, I'm not advocating violent revolution at all, but you better understand that if you value freedom you will have to pay a price for it. Hiding and hoping the state won't bother you more than they already do is not going to work. Although they all agonized over their fears, yes, Churchill, Lincoln and Washington knew that appeasing the evil wasn't going to work.

I suggest that virtuous people bent on secession would need to learn from the civil rights movement and be prepared to confront the feds with non-violent civil disobedience (if necessary) to win their freedom. Some may have to move to a virtuous state. Some will be jailed. Some will be beaten. Some may even be killed. All will be smeared as agitators, radicals and racists.

I'm not an American so I don't know if secession advocacy would expose you to criminal prosecution, but perhaps that is a price one would have to pay.

But - and you know it's true - it WILL be worth it.

Thank you for a most thought-provoking 90 minutes!

Posted by: George from Canada at November 8, 2012 8:09 PM

As soon as this parallel system looks successful, it will be squished. I don't know how Bill can keep saying follow the law without knowing what he's saying. That's what WE'VE been doing. The problem is, in the Gulag, the law is what the hell the gulag says it is. There is no law. They make it up as they go along.
I say our best chance is to shun them. Don't go to movies, don't give them your patronage, don't talk to them, ignore them, as Bill sort of says. The other stuff's not necessary. Maybe they'll come around. If not, what am I clinging to. Are they family and friends if they're stabbing me in the back?
I don't know.. rough week.

Posted by: RPF at November 8, 2012 8:12 PM

1)My take-away is that he’s promoting more barter-like associations in an internet-venue forum. By that, I assume he means doing work – usually for money – among willing participants. Though it may start with people having “day jobs” and then supplementing it with this, he suggests people trending towards this as full-time self-employed “free molecules,” as he called it.

1) doesn’t this exist to a degree in something called “Craigslist”?!

2) Yeah, well…try *that* over the long term, without paying taxes on it and you’ll get a little jingle from the IRS Feds-with-Guns kids. Just that, in the 21st century, you’ll be the e-moonshiner, and they’ll be the e-revenooer.

3) It sounds like he’s promoting brushing off – or simply ignoring – the political scene, as it’s become a Welfare State. THAT IS SUICIDE. You don’t like oppressive government, so you keep feeding it, just to stay legal (as he says). It already favors the Societal Parasites, and will not take kindly to those who do not feed it more and ever more money. So…DON’T HOLD YOUR BREATH for that “free molecule” money to remain tax free for long: Stay out of the political scene, and both the banks and internet will be telling Big Brother Sam about your income flow in an instant.

4) National Security: this naive concept works only as long as an overpowering-but-ever-weaker Federal Government is *not* attacked and overtaken by – say – the Russians or muslims. After that? To paraphrase an old cliche: “No computer for YOU!”

Posted by: Czar of Defenestration at November 8, 2012 10:10 PM

After 35:00 "the problem is not the technology, it's the money"
Granted. What makes me skeptical about this very intriguing space project (no sarcasm) is, the FAA. The FAA can drag their heels, lay mines and otherwise f--- with this project until a sufficient number of subscribers give up in disgust at paying lawyers, and the whole project implodes. How do we get around the FAA?

Posted by: Daniel K Day at November 9, 2012 12:26 AM

This is why, Czar, I think Ann Barnhardt is on to something in her nonviolent tax strike. I spoke to someone yesterday who lost his job in October, at the same time his property taxes went up and his house value went down. He simply CAN'T comply. Many people will find they've been handed a bill they can't pay, come January, and they will be among the 47%. We have to kill the beast.

Posted by: Jewel at November 9, 2012 6:52 AM

I gave Bill the short shrift, and I should expand what I think is good about his National Academy. A sub rosa educational system that is unaccredited is probably going to be a very good thing. I'm reading now in a biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, how he established a sub rosa seminary. In Poland, Karol Wojtyla (Pope John Paul II) attended clandestine studies. I think the next phase will be to enact new legislation outlawing charter schools and homeschooling (good luck with that) based upon what I am reading from Bill Ayers.
Things could go downhill very very quickly.
I hope Bill can reformulate this idea along different paradigms.

Posted by: Jewel at November 9, 2012 7:01 AM

If Bill could do what he really wants to do, it would look exactly like what the Founders' designed. Bill's plan, if successful, will just take longer to get there. The reason I believe this is because the Founders were well aware of human nature and there system was designed to deal with that. I say that system, it's principles, cannot be improved upon. Because it goes to shit every 300 years or so is just the downside. The Founders were not niaive. They said it would only last so long. They knew this. Yet, they went through with it. It's up to us to renew it. The human heart beats. Then it stops. But then it beats again. Is this a bad system?
The Founders were also aware of what it would take to get that first beat going. It wasn't a pretty picture. To think the next beat won't be violent (or require force) is like thinking you can talk the Iranians into not wanting a nuke.
That's why I claim we have it easier than the Founders did. We may have lost by only a percentage point or two. That should be a lot easier to fix. The glass is half full. The other side should be ashamed of themselves. I say 1 or 2 percent will be. I used to be one of them.

Posted by: RPF at November 9, 2012 8:01 AM

Wait a minute. You mean that you "makers" (as opposed to us in the "taker" majority) have the leisure time to watch a rambling 90-minute video that probably could have been condensed to 15 minutes without missing any of the major points?

Think of all the time you wasted when you could have been making stuff.

Posted by: Gene at November 12, 2012 8:22 AM

"Dreams are nice but they're not real, and we've been dreaming for too long that we lived in a country which valued freedom and personal responsibility while it became a country of petty tyranny and dependence.
Posted by: Tom at November 8, 2012 1:36 AM"

This leaves out something Mr. Whittle said (in different words, and much better than I can) in his talk: America is first a dream; it is not monolithic government.

It was a principle long understood, around which a dream took shape; then, at the right moment, that dream was expressed, right here. Funny how life comes back, even after the most horrendous disaster. And it comes back in small ways, in maybe different forms, and through tremendous struggle -- but it comes back. Weak, small, vulnerable, clinging to a thread, it comes back.

America did not die. I know too many people who still have that dream and still live more or less by those principles to believe that it did. Because the government has veered off course doesn't mean the principles have changed at all. The government has simply become notamerica. Parasites eventually die, and history shows tyrannies do, too. Things may get much worse -- history shows that sometimes they do. We are where we find ourselves, and we have to go on from here. Not time to quit.

Posted by: Goatroper at November 12, 2012 8:44 AM

Oh give it up , you pathetic whiny losers. You lost, America won, and silly white boys moaning and groaning won't change a thing

Please forgive me. I lost my mind.

Posted by: Andrew Baitbark at November 14, 2012 6:43 PM