December 1, 2009

Dick Cheney: Outside the Tent and Pissing In


What's not to love about that big old Teddy bear Dick Cheney? It seems whenever he speaks fatal air embolisms explode inside liberals and take a few more to the Happy No-Hunting Ground. Cheney's latest interview is a masterwork of stating the glaring and embarrassing obvious: Dick Cheney slams President Obama for projecting ‘weakness’ @

In a 90-minute interview at his suburban Washington house, Cheney said the president’s “agonizing” about Afghanistan strategy “has consequences for your forces in the field.”

“I begin to get nervous when I see the commander in chief making decisions apparently for what I would describe as small ‘p’ political reasons, where he’s trying to balance off different competing groups in society,” Cheney said.

“Every time he delays, defers, debates, changes his position, it begins to raise questions: Is the commander in chief really behind what they’ve been asked to do?”

Yes, whenever Cheney offers a sincere opinion based on decades of experience the inside of the Obama White House becomes a bit more damp and redolent than it usually is after a hearty round of auto-fellatio in the Oval Office. And that even when Cheney is only 'raising questions.'

The "question" Cheney is raising here is, more baldly stated, "Does Obama have the balls to be the President of the United States." The clearly implied answer is,well, "No, but maybe the First Lady does." If so that's a flaw in the current situation that needs to be corrected via some rapid implant surgery and about 250 cc's of testosterone on a daily drip feed until we've got something resembling a man behind the desk in the Oval Office.

You'll recall the gelded caterwauling of neutered liberals for years about that "cowboy" George Bush and his rollicking sidekick Cheney. Well, they got their wish in a man that does not emit "More mush from the wimp," but is the very essence of mush of the wimp. Why did the much touted Afghanistan decision take so long? My personal theory is that Obama had to take time out from his daunting social schedule to become media-trained in looking assertive.

Say what you will about Cheney, when he and Bush were in office you never worried that the president or his backup might both be physical cowards. Now you don't worry about that either. You know the current president and his backup are physical cowards. And so do the enemies of this nation, foreign and domestic.

Posted by Vanderleun at December 1, 2009 10:52 AM
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"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.

Just. Beautiful. Big Dick Cheney knows where to stick it. Obama and this Congress (with very few exception who escape me) are the domestic enemies of which you write. The growth of government in the last 75 years has been malignant and metastatic. Bush/Cheney and the Republicans are complicit in growing this cancer, too. It's time for a governing party of We The People instead of Them The Elite.

Posted by: twolaneflash at December 1, 2009 12:15 PM


Posted by: Gagdad Bob at December 1, 2009 12:18 PM

Dick Cheney will always be the President I wish we'd had. Maybe someday. I can dream.

Posted by: Arthurstone at December 1, 2009 12:47 PM
Say what you will about Cheney, when he and Bush were in office you never worried that the president or his backup might both be physical cowards. Now you don't worry about that either. You know the current president and his backup are physical cowards. And so do the enemies of this nation, foreign and domestic.

Well I can promise I have never fantasized about Barack Obama, the emaciated jugeared wuss. OTOH, Cowboy "W" could leave his boots under my bed anytime.

I have not felt safe since 1/20/09 and I don't like this gnawing lump of fear that permeates my body all the time now.

I never felt embarrassed for Bush/Cheney, but I find I'm embarrassed over and for Obama and for our nation. You have to know that the rest of the world has to think America has gone nuts electing this wimp.

I wrote in a blog post on my own blog the following in response to the negative press coming out after Obama's Asian trip:

So Barack Obama set off on yet another of his world excursions (anything to keep from doing real Presidential work), this time to the Far East. Funny how the world just isn’t responding to his blame America first apology tours. They don’t like this new wimpy America. It is like finding out your father isn’t the big strong protector you always thought he was, but really only a cowardly wuss. It shocks the system. And the world is reacting. And quite predictability, I might add, to anyone who really understands America’s strength and what it has meant and means to the “rest of the world.” They do not want the America that prompted Osama bin Laden to call us nothing but a “paper tiger.” How do I know this, well, two articles, one from Japan, one from the European Union (Germany) tell me so.
Posted by: Sara (Pal2Pal) at December 1, 2009 12:56 PM

Gagdad, you are one evil man.

Posted by: vanderleun at December 1, 2009 1:34 PM

I agree with your Gagdad assessment, Gerard. However, one who makes me laugh that hard can't be all bad.

Posted by: Western Chauvinist at December 1, 2009 1:39 PM

The man I admire most in the Bush administration is Cheney.

Posted by: Arthurstone at December 1, 2009 2:00 PM

I've decided I want a poster of that "Ten Ways Dick Cheney Can Kill You" graphic. I'm gonna hang it over my bed like my daughter's friend who has Hugh Jackman over hers. It just makes me feel so... comforted.

Posted by: Western Chauvinist at December 1, 2009 5:36 PM

I agree with Arthurstone. I really didn't like W all that much, but Cheney had and has a spine. I never thought Darth Cheney was that awful a sobriquet. Darth got shit done and terrified people. That's what I want in a President. The fact that it resided in a VP was a damn shame, but I'll take what I can get. I lament that he is probably never going to run for the top office, having served more than his share thus far and he'd be such a lightning rod for the left there would be nothing of substance done for years. I like that he's outside of things and can comment and poke away to his hearts' desire.

Posted by: Nicole at December 2, 2009 5:54 AM

I am a fan of Dick Cheney. A long and deep and admiring fan. I love him even if in a manly way.

Posted by: The Truth at December 2, 2009 8:08 AM

[I'm sorry but we can't hear this troll's homophobic ravings. Could you type a little louder please?]

Posted by: Vanderleun at December 2, 2009 9:14 AM

I love that graphic! It is great! Can I use it?

Posted by: NerdMom at December 3, 2009 1:03 PM

Fur shure.

Posted by: vanderleun at December 3, 2009 2:49 PM
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