September 13, 2008

Effete Elite Urban Metrosexual Liberals Running the O-Campaign? How Dare You, Bitch?

Staffers at the Obama National Headquarters keep their hopes alive with a little musical moment in Les Misbarack. They imagine their Happy World of November 3.

Pay special attention to the mocking of McCain as an old, crippled and slack-jawed man at about 1:50. That must have been fun. The only other benefit to the O-Campaign is that producing this must have taken these people out of the operation for at least a day.

Also note that it probably isn't a great idea for the staff to be metrosexing out with a song whose climactic lyrics are:
Tomorrow we'll be far away,
Tomorrow is the judgement day

Tomorrow we'll discover
What our God in Heaven has in store!"

Found by TigerHawk who notes:

"Andrew Sullivan links approvingly to this video apparently put out by the Obama campaign (an admittedly hilarious spoof on the song from Les Miserables, "One Day More"), declaring that "the McCain campaign could never pull this off," adding "Patience, steel, triumph." Of course, the revolutionaries who sang "One Day More" were crushed mercilously in the event, a point that seems to have eluded Andrew."

A larger point that seems to have eluded nearly everybody in the video above is that while they are tucked away high in their skyscraper sippling lattes, outside in America this is what they are up against:

You want a culture war? You got one. One side is locked and loaded, the other side is just, well, loaded.

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Posted by Vanderleun at September 13, 2008 8:24 AM | TrackBack
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"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.

As a proud resident of Fort Worth, TX, let me observe that you have nailed the larger point which has escaped Les Miserables in Barack's campaign: Palin is one of us who is making it big. She is political Elvis.

Posted by: gcotharn at September 13, 2008 9:47 AM

"...this is what they are up against"

That's a lovely sentiment but not totally factual. If you could get everybody to watch both videos in a row you'd be right. But you can't.

Posted by: Fred at September 13, 2008 12:29 PM


I'm reasonably sure the Obamatrons have been replaced with professional singers. Probably Hollywood volunteers. If they're the real-deal office workers then they are lip-synching the pros.

If 'Tena' is lip-synching, she's lip-synching herself, and not pretending to be a campaign worker.

Posted by: Fred at September 13, 2008 12:35 PM

I note that in the beginning of the ∅bama video the guy says "my crime". If you are not familiar with the musical you might think the ∅bama campaign was a criminal enterprise.

But wait. Maybe it is a criminal enterprise.


BTW I "stole" the Gretchen Wilson song. With a link back to here. Good stuff.

Posted by: M. Simon at September 13, 2008 1:00 PM

The wuss factor has always been the fatal flaw of the effete messiah from Chicago, and Jacksonian America will see to it that he does not prevail.

Posted by: Dudley Smith at September 13, 2008 6:45 PM

Here's a hint. If you wanna call somebody else an elitist? It's not a good plan to use the word "effete." First of all, lots of us don't know it. Second it kind of makes you look effete. Third, I'm guessing you are one of those prep-school, legacy-Ivy league boys who want to pretend they are good old boys. But you haven't even met anybody poor, have you? Or you wouldn't head your piece the way you did. What a poser. Text your prep-school boyfriends.

Posted by: Mara at September 13, 2008 7:30 PM

You're right Mara. Gerard was just being nice using the word "effete" to describe Obama and his supporters. I think "pussy" is actually the word that fits better.

Posted by: Dudley Smith at September 13, 2008 7:40 PM

I wonder if Gretchen Wilson makes enough money to actually get a tax break in a McCain administration.

Posted by: jcandrsn at September 13, 2008 7:58 PM

Note to self: buy pickup truck

Posted by: Fausta at September 13, 2008 8:01 PM

So Andy likes a routine based on a show tune. Some stereotypes have more basis in fact than others, I suppose. But the metrosexual demographic has never been Obama's problem. He's had that sewn up for months. It's the rest of us he needs to win over, and a skit out of Les Miz isn't going to get it done. McCain and Palin win Middle America voters by being themselves (including those in "battleground" states). Obama repels them when he tries the same thing. His staff (or their understudies) doesn't help.

Posted by: waltj at September 13, 2008 8:10 PM

If I were trying to take credit for the executive experience of running a campaign, I'm not sure I'd release a video in which said campaign doesn't have a single damn person over 25 in it. How hard is it to boss around college kids?

It doesn't help that every one of 'em, except for the villains, is really pretty, too.

Posted by: Kevin at September 13, 2008 8:58 PM

Sorry, Mara, not ivy, not prep school.

California public schools and UC Berkeley.

As we once said of Monica Lewinsky, nice try but no cigar.

Posted by: vanderleun at September 13, 2008 9:23 PM

"I'm reasonably sure the Obamatrons have been replaced with professional singers. Probably Hollywood volunteers. If they're the real-deal office workers then they are lip-synching the pros.

If 'Tena' is lip-synching, she's lip-synching herself, and not pretending to be a campaign worker."

Yeah...and I think those nutty lefties hired actors to play McCain and Palin in an unfavorable light, too! Man, we make one heck of a lie-exposing team.

Posted by: Eric at September 13, 2008 10:13 PM

Effete Elite Urban Metrosexual Liberals Running the O-Campaign? How Dare You, Bitch?


Posted by: Stuart at September 14, 2008 12:00 AM

I think that's a very interesting video. The thing that I notice about it is how it reveals that the Obama campaign is being run by a bunch of white racists who can't be bothered to hire black employees.

There's not a black face to be found amongst these people. Barack Obama is the only African American these people want around.

Posted by: justanobserver at September 14, 2008 3:56 PM

Uh, you realize that Gretchen Wilson is a Democrat? :-)

When Republicans reject people for being hardworking and smart enough to work themselves up from welfare through Harvard, that says a lot about the love and acceptance of anti-intellectualism in the GOP.

You're actually saying that it's wrong to be smart! What does that say to America's young? Talk about the triumph of mediocrity! Hey, kids! Don't work your ass off to get into a good school because you'll be a nerd and not one of the cool kids! You wanna be cool? You wanna be president? Well graduate in the bottom of your class!

What the hell has happened to the Republican Party? Affirmative Action for the Intellectually Incurious! That's the new rallying cry of the GOP?

Posted by: nick at September 14, 2008 8:16 PM

gcotharn wrote "She is political Elvis". That is pure gold, sir. I may repeat that once or twice in the future.

Posted by: Steve at September 14, 2008 8:26 PM

Jeeeeezus Christ. I could barely watch that without being crushed by physical, emotional, and spiritual embarrassment for the alleged males in that video. Are you f'ing kidding me. This is the strong image that the obama supporters are trying to project? A campaign that "takes the gloves off" by singing and dancing to a French musical? You just know Putin gasped and had to sit down, 'cause shit just got REAL.

The real campaign had better bury this quietly. Or you could just link this video with every new post you make til November. This can't be mocked enough. I think even Helmet Dukakis would laugh a Nelson laugh at these people, point, and rumble off in the Dork Tank.

Posted by: sally at September 14, 2008 9:17 PM

Elvis? I love how you have to compare her to a man. But hey. I love the Elvis comparison. She's definitely Elvis. Not 68 Comeback Special, not Aloha Special, but 8/16/77 Elvis. Oh yeah.

Posted by: yoshi at September 14, 2008 11:57 PM

re: Uh, you realize that Gretchen Wilson is a Democrat? :-)

You Wish!

Gretchen is a McCain-Palin supporter. She sang “Our America” with John Rich and Cowboy Troy following Palin's Wednesday night speech at the RNC. (I wish I could find a YouTube of it. The only one I could find was just the ending.)

Here's what she had to say about Palin:

“After last night’s speech, I’m very much a Palin supporter, too,” Wilson said. “I think a lot of people were concerned about her and her ability and her strength and determination. In my opinion, I think she cleared a lot of that up in a lot of people’s minds last night.

“You know, I wouldn’t be afraid at all to think that she may end up being the first female president of the United States. I think she is just the woman for the job.”

Posted by: Hislittlelamb at September 15, 2008 12:32 PM

You got to be shatting me. These aren't actors?

Man, that one woman with the perpetual frown on her face scared me.

Posted by: Ymarsakar at September 15, 2008 11:14 PM

I suspect this was not shot at Obama's headquarters. I've seen their office in other videos. There are people of all races and ages that work there and yes many young people. These are actors lip synching to the soundtrack.

I have been a Republican all my life and I'm voting for Obama this time. I want this country to have a chance to correct the damage of the last 8 years.

Posted by: Illini at September 16, 2008 1:47 PM
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