January 16, 2008

Case in Point: Olbermann


The ever-popular (with me and discerning readers across the web, Morgan Freeberg knocks off world's worst anchorclone, the logorrhea-infected and pale imitation of Bill O'Reilly, Keith Olbermann in a shoot from the hip comment at his site. A masterful bit of jazz. His three point program for Olbermann sinking is:

One, we got a bunch of people walking around free as you & me, who think the word "courage" applies to some washed-up sportscaster who regularly babbles his five-minute clips of foolishness, in a sovereign state whose government guarantees nothing bad will ever happen to him because of it. No harm can come to him instigated by the government, and with very few exceptions, said government will be obligated to prevent any harm coming to him when instigated from elsewhere. I struggle to think of a safer thing anybody can do, anywhere, and still be called "courageous" for doing it.

Two, is his cookie cutter approach. He's given props for, if one allows for synonyms and euphemisms, something that could be fairly encapsulated by the word "originality." Mr. Bill from Saturday Night Live, as I recall from memory, was far more original than Keith Olbermann. He could be dragged off by a previously-thought-instinct flying dinosaur at nine o'clock tonight, and with a modestly artistic touch to the recycling of his old clips at regular intervals thereafter, nobody would ever notice.

Three-- partisanship. Naked partisanship. Waitaminnit ... purely naked partisanship wouldn't be such a big problem, because it wouldn't involve such staggering cognitive dissonance. This is partisanship dressed in a tastelessly cut speedo. A "Bizzaro-Olbermann" could be manufactured that would hurl exactly the same brand of bile at well-known democrats, using exactly the same voice inflections. Keith's most devoted fans would sneer and snark away at Bizzaro ... you know it ... and you also know, they'd never admit it, either in prospect or in retrospect.

Once again I stress that if you are not reading Freeberg's "The Blog That Nobody Reads" you have nobody to blame but yourself.

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Posted by Vanderleun at January 16, 2008 6:30 PM | TrackBack
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