May 22, 2004

Whittle's Quiz

A SHORT TEST FROM WHITTLE'S STRENGTH to be printed up on small cards and handed out at the next anti-war rally:

If you are a Feminist: Do you think that women should be treated with respect and equality in all matters, and allowed to reach their fullest potential as individuals by making their own decisions? Or do you think that they should be kept locked in the back room, that they should suffer beating or death for being seen in the company of a man not her husband or relative, that she should never be allowed to study or drive a car, and that she must remained covered head to foot when outdoors?

I'm for the former. Which are you for?

If you are a homosexual: Do you believe that sexual orientation is a private matter between consenting adults, that all people deserve the same measure of dignity and respect, and that you should be allowed to live your life and love the person you choose without intimidation and fear? Or do you believe that homosexuals are an abomination in the eyes of a vengeful God and should therefore be executed?

I'm going with "A" on this one, too. What do you think?

If you are an artist, a writer or a singer: Do you feel that free expression is the soul of the artistic impulse, that artists have the right to explore whatever depths of emotion or feeling that their muse may drive them to, and that the free expression of the artistic impulse should never be inhibited no matter how offensive others may find your personal journey? Or do you believe that society should place strict limits on what is permissible expression artistically, and that some entire studies -- music, for example -- should be removed from society to prevent moral decay and people straying from the Word of God?

I'm taking the first one again.

So my real question is, if you agree that the former choices are better than the latter, why do so many of you take the side of murdering theocrats like the Taliban, or state-sponsored terror regimes like Saddam's when they are in opposition to a culture that provides legal and cultural protections and freedoms unparalleled in human history?

I'd really like an answer, if you can spare the time. And so would a lot of folks. Because frankly, we just don't get you at all on this one.

Posted by Vanderleun at May 22, 2004 1:46 PM
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"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.

Say, that's a super website! "Strength" worshipping is in no way fascistic! Not even remotely! I've always liked the motto "strength through joy," myself.

I'm sure someday you all will be proven just as right as, say, James Burnham.

Posted by: Barbara at May 22, 2004 4:01 PM

Yeah whatever. You gay and feminist liberals trying to destroy our country should support our troups like the rest of america. You better get your loyalty straight cause those saddamites and taliban Hate America and hate you gays and feminazis more than anybody too.

Posted by: Floyd Jackson at May 22, 2004 4:59 PM

'strength through joy' is one reason why the Tibet monks are being slaughtered by the Islamists.

'strength through joy' is one reason why the Iraqi people suffered under extreme brutality while France, Russia and others at the Great United Nations profited from Saddam's oil-for-food voucher kickback scam.

'strength through joy' is one reason why 800,000 Rwandans were massacred while the Great United Nations stood by and meditated in Joy.

'strength through joy' kills people.

How does it feel to be so joyful?

Posted by: syn at May 23, 2004 6:06 AM

Well, we could start with the fact that most women, homosexuals, and artists in America have never sided with either Saddam or the Taliban. They may not vote Republican, but that's hardly an automatic indication of liking Tali or Saddamists. Kerry promised to keep troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, after all, and Obama actually increased them in Afghanistan even while following a Bush-established timetable for the withdrawal from Iraq.

So I guess what we'd like to know is this; why are women, homosexuals and artists, to name only them, constantly accused by people like Bill Whittle of having opinions they do not have, or holding loyalties they do not hold? Why is it I can't open a right wing blog or website anywhere on the Internet without finding someone like him blathering into the wind against straw men that exist only in his own imagination?

We'd really like an answer, if he can spare the time. And given the amount of time he's wasted spewing this kind of shit in the last seven or eight years, I suspect he can.

Posted by: Ryan at August 20, 2010 11:47 AM

A: the date is 2004.
B: Ask him yourself.

Posted by: vanderleun at August 20, 2010 2:04 PM