June 1, 2005

When You Do Have to Live Like a Refugee

VIA A FRIEND'S EMAIL comes a pointer to Michael Tisserand's moving personal memoir of New Orleans, "Submerged."

Together that night, we watched the same show that all who'd gotten out were watching. The straight line for our city. The familiar "Cat-4" and "Cat-5." And for those of us who thought we'd seen this before, the much-hoped-for right turn.

It didn't matter. It hit. Even those who could read the tea leaves in John McPhee's Forces of Nature or John Barry's Rising Tide, or who had seen the diagrams of a bowl-shaped city, are in disbelief. New Orleans is gone, along with the newspaper where I work, the home where I live, my kids' beloved school, my neighborhood sno-ball stand, my neighborhood anything.

Posted by Vanderleun at June 1, 2005 11:32 AM
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