August 25, 2015

"The Way to Win" with the Better Angels of Our Nature

Note: Received in email from commenter Fat Man


News got you down? Stock Market crashing? Hillary? The Donald? Fortunately, there is some good news. Sometimes the good guys win. Case in point: this week's story about the three Americans who tackled the Muzzie with the AK on the train in France.

Americans Who Thwarted French Train Attack Were Childhood Friends - WSJ

"The three American men whom French authorities credit with disrupting a potential terror attack on a Paris-bound high-speed train Friday are childhood friends who had all attended California’s Freedom Christian School and often played military games together growing up.
"Airman First Class Spencer Stone, Oregon National Guard member Alek Skarlatos, and college student Anthony Sadler were tourists trekking through Europe on a planned three-week vacation. They will return home as decorated heroes, following a scheduled visit with French President François Hollande at Élysée Palace, after authorities say they bravely took down a man they say was armed with boxcutters and several guns. ...
“We believe God’s providential will worked its way out,” said Mr. Sadler’s father, Anthony Sadler, a Baptist pastor."

But wait, it gets better.

Look at their pictures.


Three good looking American kids. Two white, one black. Boyhood friends.

What does this have to do with politics? Simple.

Obama is not just wrong about America. He and his hench-creatures are evil. They are trying to tribalize us, so that they can divide us and rule a demoralized and defeated country forever.

This is what we must fight.

The way to win is to not accept tribalization. The way to win is to state that these three young men are what America is really all about.

This needs to be our message: "We are Americans, We are neighbors, We are friends, We are brothers. This is what makes us the exceptional nation. This is what makes us the Last Best Hope of Earth. We will unite and we defeat America's enemies wherever we find them."

#AllLivesMatter. #GodBlessAmerica

"Crown thy good with brotherhood, from sea to shining sea."

The way to win is not to nurture grievances and salve them with unfulfillable promises. The way to win is to call people to be their highest and best selves.

Republican Presidential Candidates: Forget Hillary. Forget the Donald. Forget Obama. The ads, the speeches, write themselves. Appeal to to our highest selves. Draw the contrast with the tactics of tribalism and division. Don't be afraid to be sappy and sentimental.

Posted by gerardvanderleun at August 25, 2015 9:42 AM
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"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.

Common American young men.
Necessity, upbringing, becoming,
Uncommonly heroic common American young men.

Posted by: Howard Nelson at August 25, 2015 10:41 AM

The way to win is not to nurture grievances and salve them with unfulfillable promises. The way to win is to call people to be their highest and best selves.

Yes, just so. Thanks, Gerard.

Posted by: Julie at August 25, 2015 11:29 AM

Thanks Gerard. I just hope the message can penetrate some of the campaign geniuses in the Republican party.

Posted by: Fat Man at August 25, 2015 12:36 PM

Americans have never shrunk from the task of kicking a bully in the teeth. Current leadership excepted.

Posted by: Roger in Republic at August 25, 2015 1:48 PM

Gerard, your words touched my spirit.

Posted by: Casca at August 25, 2015 2:10 PM

"The way to win is to not accept tribalization. The way to win is to state that these three young men are what America is really all about."

Tribalism is the default setting of humanities' lower natures.

The least educated, most fearful, most angry, most ... ordinary ... WILL fall back on their 'tribe' - whatever they deem it to be.

Ignore it at your peril.

"During the filming of Planet of the Apes in 1967, Charlton Heston noted “an instinctive segregation on the set. Not only would the apes eat together, but the chimpanzees ate with the chimpanzees, the gorillas ate with the gorillas, the orangutans ate with the orangutans, and the humans would eat off by themselves. It was quite spooky.”

www . neatorama . com/2013/12/15/When-the-Actors-in-Planet-of-the-Apes-Donned-Their-Makeup-They-Spontaneously--Segregated-Themselves/

Posted by: cond0011 at August 25, 2015 6:55 PM

These three young men have made us proud.
"I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free.
And I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.
And I'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today.
‘Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land God bless the U.S.A."
That's what those three young men embody - the spirit of freedom, free association, and a willingness to stand against our enemies. God bless 'em and the USA.

Posted by: Jimmy J. at August 25, 2015 7:48 PM

Jimmy J should hang out over here once in awhile, regarding that Lee Greenwood stuff.

Posted by: ghostsniper at August 26, 2015 6:41 AM

"The way to win is to not accept tribalization. The way to win is to state that these three young men are what America is really all about."

One way to do it is to STOP addressing ANY organization that has ANY racial reference. No interviews, no deals, to talk.

Organizations such as these:

The Association of Black Psychologists
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
American Association of Blacks in Energy (AABE)
National Association of Black Accountants, Inc.
National Association of Black Journalists
National Black Chamber of Commerce (NBCC)
National Black MBA Association

And these

National Council of La Raza
Association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting
Association of Latinos for the Betterment of the Americas
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute
Federal Hispanic Law Enforcement Officers Association
Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement
Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities

fit the same category of tribalism as these:

American Nazi Party
Aryan Brotherhood of Texas
Ku Klux Klan
National Association for the Advancement of White People
White Aryan Resistance

and are the LOWEST form of tribalism and anathema to a Cosmopolitan Republic that we are becoming and they should be banned and ignored.

Where to start?

Well... STOP granting interviews to networks such as these:

Latino News Media
Fox News Latino
NBC News Latino
El Hispanic News
African American News
The Root: Black News, Opinion, Politics and Culture
Black News it energizes the whole 'race' issue (and lord, am I SICK to death of race...)

Posted by: cond0011 at August 26, 2015 8:40 AM

That post is darned inspiring. The most destructive force in the world today is the obozo administration. Yes, in the world.

Posted by: Terry at August 26, 2015 10:02 AM

What makes the United States of America exceptional is that it is the only trans-racial nation on the planet. We operate on the idea that matter where they come from...may BECOME an American. While you certainly can live in America and not BE an American, those who do come here legally, become citizens, assimilate into American society and adopt American ideals ARE Americans.

You can't do that anywhere else. I can move to Japan, gain official Japanese citizenship, learn to speak Japanese, and adopt Japanese culture as my own...but I can never, ever BE Japanese. Or German, or Australian, or whatever.

This is because the United States of America is more than just a place, it is an idea...and believing in that idea is what makes you an American. Not the nation of your birth, your skin color, or your religion. No other nation on Earth operates this way. That is why America is exceptional.

Posted by: Dave at August 27, 2015 7:56 AM

Ooooooooohhhhh, I didn't know about the school thing. How in-terest-ing! I'm guessing they must be home by now, no visits to the White House for the heroes? (Just kidding of course, we know who they were rooting for)

Posted by: Will at August 27, 2015 5:51 PM