April 14, 2015

The Totalitarian Mind Does Not Need a Totalitarian State to Thrive


“I have never seen a more sublime demonstration of the totalitarian mind, a mind which might be linked unto a system of gears where teeth have been filed off at random. Such snaggle-toothed thought machine, driven by a standard or even by a substandard libido, whirls with the jerky, noisy, gaudy pointlessness of a cuckoo clock in Hell.

"The boss G-man concluded wrongly that there were no teeth on the gears in the mind of Jones. 'You're completely crazy,' he said.

"Jones wasn't completely crazy. The dismaying thing about classic totalitarian mind is that any given gear, thought mutilated, will have at its circumference unbroken sequences of teeth that are immaculately maintained, that are exquisitely machined.


"Hence the cuckoo clock in Hell - keeping perfect time for eight minutes and twenty-three seconds, jumping ahead fourteen minutes, keeping perfect time for six seconds, jumping ahead two seconds, keeping perfect time for two hours and one second, then jumping ahead a year.

"The missing teeth, of course, are simple, obvious truths, truths available and comprehensible even to ten-year-olds, in most cases.

"The willful filling off a gear teeth, the willful doing without certain obvious pieces of information....

"That was how Rudolf Hess, Commandant of Auschwitz, could alternate over the loudspeakers of Auschwitz great music and calls for corpse-carriers -

"That was how Nazi Germany sense no important difference between civilization and hydrophobia -

"That is the closest I can come to explaining the legions, the nations of lunatics I've seen in my time.” ― Kurt Vonnegut, Mother Night

aa-sideleft-george-orwell-who-controls-the-past-controls.jpgWritten by George Orwell:

"Fifteen years ago, when one defended the freedom of the intellect, one had to defend it against Conservatives, against Catholics, and to some extent — for they were not of great importance in England — against Fascists. Today one has to defend it against Communists and ‘fellow-travelers’....

"But however it may be with the physical sciences, or with music, painting and architecture, it is — as I have tried to show — certain that literature is doomed if liberty of thought perishes.

"Not only is it doomed in any country which retains a totalitarian structure; but any writer who adopts the totalitarian outlook, who finds excuses for persecution and the falsification of reality, thereby destroys himself as a writer.

"There is no way out of this. No tirades against ‘individualism’ and the ‘ivory tower’, no pious platitudes to the effect that ‘true individuality is only attained through identification with the community’, can get over the fact that a bought mind is a spoiled mind.

"Unless spontaneity enters at some point or another, literary creation is impossible, and language itself becomes something totally different from what it is now, we may learn to separate literary creation from intellectual honesty.

"At present we know only that the imagination, like certain wild animals, will not breed in captivity. Any writer or journalist who denies that fact — and nearly all the current praise of the Soviet Union contains or implies such a denial — is, in effect, demanding his own destruction. The Prevention of Literature - Wikilivres

Posted by gerardvanderleun at April 14, 2015 12:47 AM
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"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.

A stopped clock is correct twice a day.

A stopped digital clock ain't worth a pinch a coon shit.

Die Gedanken sind frei.

Posted by: chasmatic at April 14, 2015 7:51 AM

"Jones wasn't completely crazy. The dismaying thing about classic totalitarian mind is that any given gear, thought mutilated, will have at its circumference unbroken sequences of teeth that are immaculately maintained, that are exquisitely machined. "

Machine Men with machine minds.


www . youtube . com/watch?v=QcvjoWOwnn4#t=2m47s

The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish. .....

Soldiers! don’t give yourselves to brutes - men who despise you - enslave you - who regiment your lives - tell you what to do - what to think and what to feel! Who drill you - diet you - treat you like cattle, use you as cannon fodder.

Don’t give yourselves to these unnatural men - machine men with machine minds and machine hearts! You are not machines! You are not cattle!

You are men! You have the love of humanity in your hearts! You don’t hate! Only the unloved hate - the unloved and the unnatural!

Soldiers! Don’t fight for slavery! Fight for liberty!


Whats sad is that the Communists/Socialists claim this speech as their own, when infact it is an inictment of them and those who think like them.

Nice collection of quotes, Gerard.


Posted by: cond0011 at April 14, 2015 12:25 PM

"The willful filling off a gear teeth, the willful doing without certain obvious pieces of information...."

Thus is born manipulation & trickery.


Personal power.

God is Truth and must be spoken wholly (and with trembling), else it is a lie of ommission/commission... and - I may add - something your father despised.

So does this mean you should never speak again - considering the fact that Truth is bottomless and the telling of it all is tedious? No. But to speak the Truth wholly, within the spirit of Love towards the listener/receiver would you be allowed the grace to speak.

Otherwise, silence is best.

Posted by: cond0011 at April 14, 2015 12:44 PM

"That is the closest I can come to explaining the legions, the nations of lunatics I've seen in my time.”

Nice of him to put the results of his introspection into his stories.

Posted by: ErisGuy at April 17, 2015 1:20 AM

In my newly minted gov't job, I am not allowed to request a balance of my P.O. accounts. It just isn't done! The "program analyst" (Hell if I know who mine is) manages all that. However, I am routinely asked by procurement drones to give them permission to move funds from bucket A to Bucket C in order to pay invoices we get from private agencies for services rendered. So. I'm burdened with a fiduciary duty to the taxpayer for which I have no empowerment to fulfill with any certainty.

For one, brief, shining moment we were Camelot. "Run, boy. Run behind the lines. Li-i-i-ive boy! Ru-u-u-u-n!!!"

Posted by: Joan of Argghh! at April 17, 2015 6:43 PM