January 18, 2005

The Spoiled Teenage Nations of the West

I would like to direct your attention to a new member of the "stealth diplomat" blogs with the debut of New Sisyphus. The page has a lot of promise as shown in this brief excerpt from ": E.U. Dependence Theory: Blame Canada:

"Let's face it, the reason we do so much to maintain open shipping lanes in Asian waters and so forth is that it is most assuredly in the interests of the US to do so. We benefit directly from global peace and free commerce, so we do lotsa stuff that doesn't seem, on the surface, to be our responsibility. Dare we trust, oh, um, I'll say completely at random, THE FRENCH, with any serious responsibilities? What happens to us during the time that it takes the rest of the world to learn to be responsible adults once more? I shudder at the prospect. And there it is. That is how the left (Euro and otherwise) knows that they can continue to carp and gloat as they do. They rightly foresee an endless source of ridicule for their self-righteous moral exhibitionism because they know the US will always be around to clean up the spilled cookies and milk and restock the fridge."
That is actually a quote within the post, but the argument up to and away from it will, I promise, be quite informative. New Sisyphus it placing a lot of hopes on Condi Rice. As are we all.

Posted by Vanderleun at January 18, 2005 10:03 PM
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