May 17, 2004

The Evisceration of Hunter Thompson: On Screen Now

LIKE THE DODDERING KURT VONNEGUT noted over the weekend, Hunter Thompson is yet another blithering fool who has been allowed access to a keyboard by clueless editors, this time a ESPN. This, however, does not save him from a withering dissection by Lileks at The Daily Bleat

Thompson has less hope than the Islamists; at least they have an afterlife to look forward to. All we have is a country so rotten and exhausted it's not worth defending. It never was, of course, but it's even less defensible now than before.

He can say what he wants. Drink what he wants. Drive where he wants. Do what he wants. He's done okay in America. And he hates this country. Hates it. This appeals to high school kids and collegiate-aged students getting that first hot eye-crossing hit from the Screw Dad pipe, but it's rather pathetic in aged moneyed authors. And it would be irrelevant if this same spirit didn't infect on whom Hunter S. had an immense influence. He's the guy who made nihilism hip. He's the guy who taught a generation that the only thing you should believe is this: don't trust anyone who believes anything. He's the patron saint of journalism, whether journalists know it or not.

Which leads me to wonder which infected journalist at ESPN thought it would be cooler-than-way-cool to toss a little coin Thompson's way. You know, in the manner that you leave an offering in the box after you kiss the feet of some worn and faded wooden saint in a dark corner of an abandoned sacristy.

Posted by Vanderleun at May 17, 2004 10:33 AM
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