September 26, 2003

The Clark Snowball Enters Hell

Less than a week into his political career, Wesley Clark is coming unclued. As stated in stunningly picaresque prose by Doc Searls in his entry: Wesley Clark Suicide Watch

If Wes Clark wants his campaign to snowball, he's going to need a lot more snow downhill than he's got right now. If he keeps scorching the grass under that snow, his ball's going to be rolling in dirt.
Now Doc Searls has got to be one of the most sane and optimistic people on the Internet. I don't always agree with him, but that's not important. What is important is that Doc Knows Net as few others do. If he thinks the Clark campaign has the sniffles, it's pretty sure that the campaign has contracted walking pneumonia and just hasn't gotten the results back from the lab.

This particular Clark campaign cockup [Follow Doc's links] involves shutting down a number of "Draft Clark" websites in order to engulf and devour and centralize, centralize, centralize the message.

Once a general with a command and control Jones, always a general with a command and control Jones. It would seem that Clark is a case of "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss."

Ah, well, I'm sure the Dean campaign could always use a few more disaffected web heads to row his boat merrily down the stream.

Posted by Van der Leun at September 26, 2003 4:56 PM
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