April 16, 2004

Orange: The New Hot Black


Friedrich at 2blowhards.com notes that we have now entered "An Age of Orange-xiety." We'll forgive him for straining at the gnatword, since our serving up of the standard "New Black" headline is even worse. Still, it is a timely and accurate observation:

Michael:I don't know how you feel about this, but it seems to me that at some point in the last year or so we entered an Age of Orange. I'm sure people who are more au courant vis a vis the fashion world are probably sick and tired of the darn color by now, but it only recently struck me that orange is hot, hot, hot.

The elevated hipness of orange actually dawned on me for the first time, consciously, last week when my dental hygenist gave me a translucent orange toothbrush and mentioned that it was a new color in the Oral B line. You mean, I thought, Oral B has a "line"? Toothbrushes have a fashion dimension? Where have I been? Of course, we're not just awash in orange, but in orangey-red, copper and bronze-y shades as well...

Posted by Vanderleun at April 16, 2004 10:53 PM | TrackBack
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