November 1, 2016

Once Upon a Time I Had a Daughter

Please repost, retweet, share, email, and promulgate everywhere you can. Thanks.

Posted by gerardvanderleun at November 1, 2016 4:45 PM
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"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.

That a voter (of course, you know I'm talking about a Hillary voter) would say, "Yes! That's a great idea! We'uns is equal, here," is the kind of illogic that makes you want to put an ice pick in your eye.

Of course, nothing you ever say will make it past their glittering ignorance.

For those who are persuadable, I'll just say this. Lots of men don't pass infantry school. It's hard. Then, you have to realize that there are levels of hard that go beyond physical strength. There is a moral level involved in soldiering at the pointy-end of the spear. I say that using the old meaning of moral: everything above and including your heart. In combat, nobody gets to be equal, free, or better. You only get to move as a unit with your cohort. You are required to do things no normal, sane person would do.

No to our daughters being drafted. It is, of course, the only fair and equitable outcome of allowing women into combat arms jobs. Words which I already told you don't work in combat.

Last weekend my friend told me another story about her dad in WW II. He moved 3 states to join up, because the allotment was full in his home state. He was a nose gunner in the Army Air Force in heavy bombers, but was removed from flight status due to wounds. Next he hit Omaha beach as an infantryman. He went over the side of the Higgins boat with a radio and full gear - he was small man, and instantly sank to the bottom, and by a miracle of approximation, his big lieutenant grabbed him and dragged him above water. This allowed him to witness the total wiping out of his squad in the Battle of the Bulge, who were killed by bayonetting in the fog and at night. You realize, of course, that he nearly drowned as an act of personal will and sacrifice? He went over the side just like he went to join: on purpose.

Women are tremendous creations of God. They are not pawns on a chess board to prove some strange political viewpoint. They do not pass infantry courses except by willful exception and orders from the president. It's immoral to make them serve, and stupid to allow combat slots for women.

Posted by: Casey Klahn at November 1, 2016 6:43 PM

Ah,Casey,you are talking like a rational,thoughtful man. A man who understands morality, and the plain,honest truth. Must say that women are very much pawns on the chessboard,deliberately so,in Progressive World. Decent men with real world experience wouldn't think of allowing their daughters into combat. The people making these decisions are Cloud People,their daughters are exempt.

Posted by: Nori at November 1, 2016 8:34 PM

Men protect women, always have, always will.
Infantry women too, they will be protected, by infantry men that will be killed for doing so.

The very idea of women in combat arms is childish and near sighted, and typical for people that think that way.

I don't believe it's possible to teach someone what it's like to live in a unit that has been trained to kill every goddam day for years on end. You have to live it to understand. There is an unsurmountable wall between the 2 lives and it cannot be crossed leisurely in conversation.

There's truth in what Col Jessup says.

Posted by: ghostsniper at November 1, 2016 8:47 PM

The barking mad neo-con filth Clinton
wants these;h%3D630%26amp;q%3D55%26amp;auto%3Dformat%26amp;usm%3D12%26amp;fit%3Dcrop%26amp;bm%3Dnormal%26amp;ba%3Dbottom%252Cleft%26amp;blend64%3DaHR0cHM6Ly91cGxvYWRzLmd1aW0uY28udWsvMjAxNi8wNS8yNS9vdmVybGF5LWxvZ28tMTIwMC05MF9vcHQucG5n%26amp;s%3D017bf4268a8462b43572b8f923595412&fs=90267%20k&el=googleapi_pics_1&;h%3D630%26amp;q%3D55%26amp;auto%3Dformat%26amp;usm%3D12%26amp;fit%3Dcrop%26amp;bm%3Dnormal%26amp;ba%3Dbottom%252Cleft%26amp;blend64%3DaHR0cHM6Ly91cGxvYWRzLmd1aW0uY28udWsvMjAxNi8wNS8yNS9vdmVybGF5LWxvZ28tMTIwMC05MF9vcHQucG5n%26amp;s%3D017bf4268a8462b43572b8f923595412

to fight this

Posted by: Bill Jones at November 2, 2016 7:21 PM


Using this

Posted by: Bill Jones at November 2, 2016 7:23 PM

Ready for action:

Posted by: ghostsniper at November 3, 2016 4:02 AM