November 3, 2004

Adventures in Moonbatia Deserta

ADVENTURES IN MOONBATIA DESERTA: INDC continues its series of anthropological expeditions into the Heart of Darkest Moonbatia with the harrowing: Dances with Moonbats - Moonbat Xtreme

I suddenly snapped to, jolted to reality by smelling salts and the bizarrely intense stare of my loyal Algerian batman. Ahmed had fired several warning shots and pulled my unconscious form from the midst of the swarm, just as a pack of nihilistas had started to sniff my limp body and gnaw on my legs. Fortunately and contrary to popular mythology, one does not become a moonbat if bitten by them.

Posted by Vanderleun at November 3, 2004 1:53 PM | TrackBack
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