August 24, 2010

The Importance of Not Being Seen

In Belmont Club's "Forget the Hope, Just Blame Someone", Wretchard observes Joe Biden blathering:

Seizing on the large budget deficit accumulated during the Bush administration, Biden today accused Boehner of returning to the policies that led to the crisis "from which we are still digging out.They gave free rein to special interests to write their own rules at the expense of everyone else, not just the middle class."

But it's a blame-shifting gambit, not an economic solution. The idea may be to pass ownership of the problem to the Republicans. The difficulty with this approach is that it doesn't move the liability away from Washington. If there is a groundswell building against incumbents in both parties the administration may be taking cover behind the wrong tree.

Really? Let's review how well that usually works out:

Posted by Vanderleun at August 24, 2010 11:59 PM
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They're sending out Joe Biden, so even they know how desperate a tactic this is.

Posted by: Mikey NTH at August 25, 2010 7:06 AM
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