September 19, 2011

"Stop serving lemonade to the Marxists."

Comment of the Month (So Far): Responding to Zombie's statement @ Day of FAIL[noted in sidebar],

"If you think you can "win the argument" against protesters like these, then I recommend you watch these videos for a reality check. No one is allowed to win anything against them, because the rules already define you as the loser,"
AD commenter Scott M offers these thoughts:

"But, in Mayberry if you are nice enough and speak calmly enough and use facts you can change everyone's mind. In fact, the only reason people don't already agree with you is because you have explained carefully enough the benefits of thinking like you.

"Conservatives are largely cowards on defense while Liberals are on offense. Liberals haven't so much taken over culture, but Conservatives have retreated and given the field to the Liberals. Conservatives preemptively warn a mildly unpleasant idea may be forthcoming and they are forever including their enemy's argument for equal time while arguing.

"No matter how often Liberals prove themselves to be full of hate, hypocrisy, lies, or Marxism no Conservative will conclude Liberals are haters, hypocrites, liars, or Marxists. It's like every time you encounter a rabid wolverine first you must offer food, try to pet it, and then re-tell your story from the emergency room after your bowels have been slashed open. Next rabid wolverine, same outcome.

"It would be nice to live in Mayberry, we don't, and our enemies have been assured no matter what filthy names the call us, and what outrageous things they do to us, we will react in a Mayberry fashion.

"Even when we win elections our side immediately sets about including our opponents and playing nice.... and losing.

"Liberals want to rule the world and Conservatives want to be left alone. That is a recipe for easy defeat.

"What will your enemies do when they control more of the culture? They will demonize you and your children even more, and they will have fewer limits on their actions.

"Get in their face and punch back twice as hard. Stop serving lemonade to the Marxists."


Posted by Vanderleun at September 19, 2011 1:54 PM
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"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.

- Even when we win elections our side immediately sets about including our opponents and playing nice.... and losing.

I'd say that's a perfect cue for a re-run:

Compromising with Moral Adolescence: A Losing Strategy

Posted by: goy at September 19, 2011 2:50 PM

Sorry, forgot to add...

Ironically, much conservative thought and action is limited – due to our own lack of familiarity with moral adolescence – by our inclination to support liberty itself. Trapped inside this moral matrix, conservatives behave – at least with respect to ideological differences – as though we are debating with fully-realized, comprehensively mature adults who espouse ideas deserved of serious consideration. Fooled by liberals’ physical, intellectual and chronological maturity, conservatives are quite literally duped into compromising with ideology that is, as shown, based on a woefully incomplete – adolescent – moral foundation. Thus fooled, conservative compromise is pursued as a form of political “moderation”, despite the argumentum ad temperantiam (false compromise) fallacy that we rather blindly accept in the process.

Any doubt of this is easily dispelled by observing the perennially disintegrating fabric of our Republic.

Posted by: goy at September 19, 2011 2:53 PM

Protesting, eh? You could always go with my definition:

To me, protesting is like being uncontrollably horny while being irreversibly unattractive. No matter how much effort you put in, the only satisfaction you get at the end of the day is from yourself.

Posted by: Andy at September 19, 2011 3:00 PM

Pudwhackery = Protesting

Posted by: Jewel at September 19, 2011 4:22 PM

Thanks Gerard for noting my comment. What I lack in culture and mature appreciation of art I attempt to make up with Aspy level observation, typos, and ill manners.

Posted by: Scott M at September 20, 2011 2:11 AM

Goy, I'm looking at your blog just now and it's very impressive. Thanks for posting the link to your "Compromise" post.

Posted by: Scott M at September 20, 2011 2:16 AM