February 23, 2010

Obamacare Now! Because What We've Got Isn't Bad Enough


"The President's Proposal," as the 11-page White House document is headlined, is in one sense a notable achievement: It manages to take the worst of both the House and Senate bills and combine them into something more destructive. It includes more taxes, more subsidies and even less cost control than the Senate bill. And it purports to fix the special-interest favors in the Senate bill not by eliminating them—but by expanding them to everyone. -- President Obama and Health Care - WSJ.com

When Obama steps up with his personalized version of Obamacare, many in the pundit pabulum game express their Kabukiesque befuddlement. Why, they ask, would – in the face of the widespread hatred of this program – Obama and the Democrats still push this pig down the throat of the python? There’s a lot of clucking of tongues over Obama strapping the Rising Sun bandana on his forehead and going full kamikaze on the sitting Democrats in the halls of Congress. Some say it makes no sense. Others say it’s full-court cynical. None of these people gets it.

Why is Obama insisting the Democrats give unto him massive and repetitive Obamallatio when it comes to health care in America? It is simplicity itself. It is because, even after decades of fiddling about and dicking around with American healthcare on the local, state, and national level, the American government has given us a system today that, frankly, is not yet fucked up enough!

Obama and Reid and Pelosi and their fellow travelers know this. They know that the American healthcare system is still, in many ways, not yet fucked up enough. They aim to rectify this oversight once and for all. This will fulfill their life's mission.

Simply put, Obamacare takes a long and detailed look at the current state of American health care and identifies those areas in which it is not yet fucked-up and closes all those unfucked-up loopholes in only 2,000 pages. Given the problem of having to fuck up still functioning elements of the health care system in all 50 states, Obamacare is a masterpiece of concision.

Think about your own healthcare program. Does it have enough loop-holes for making you pay for stuff you thought was covered and probably was covered when you bought it? Not likely. There have to be more loop-holes for denying you care in case of age, creed, class, income level, or non-Acorn / union affiliation. Are there enough forms for you to fill out or enough reasons for you to get on the phone and spend hours arguing with the insurance company’s representative in Bombay? Not nearly enough! It has to become more fucked up and cause you to spend hours on the phone to government representatives and new hires at the local ACORN crack whore phone bank.

Too many doctors still employing less than 10 people in the back office to try and wring payments out of the insurance companies? That’s fucked up. Obamacare ensures that any surviving doctors will have to employ at least 20 otherwise unemployable federal employees in the process of never getting paid more than ten cents on the dollar for medical services rendered. With Obamacare the fucking of doctors will continue until each and everyone of those elitist monsters is run right out of business!

Do you have only catastrophic health insurance that kicks in with enough money to keep you from going bankrupt if you get a life threatening disease? What are you? Selfish enough to want to keep on living when a disease says you need to just die? Selfishness on your part when millions of Obama supporters need freed medical marijuana to enhance their sex lives is just fucked up. Obamacare, by removing any chance you might have for surviving, will see that you are fucked up for good.

Getting free Medicare when you’re too old to work and pay taxes at a rate well into the 60% range. That’s fucked. Obamacare will see too it that this unproductive loophole in the current program will get closed pronto and, well, fuck you just die.

One could go on and on, but face it, there’s no mystery in the Obamacare bill. There never has been. Pundits who profess puzzlement are just fucking with you. What we have in America is the last surviving vestiges of a system when a person who is sick or injured can have a faint shred of a hope that they’ll be cured or healed in some still free and open market. Obama and the Democrats can’t have that. They need to make sure that, no matter what happens, no matter what medical breakthroughs might have happened under a free market system, those breakthroughs have no chance to happen. Ever.

Obamacare takes 2,000 pages in legislative language, but it’s really quite simple in plain talk: “America, fuck you.” Pretty much sums up Obama’s policy in all other things as well, doesn’t it.

Posted by Vanderleun at February 23, 2010 2:28 PM
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"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.

Is he going to send every citizen a box of K-Y when he passes Obamacare, cause we are going to get it good and hard.

Posted by: Cilla Mitchell, Galveston Texas at February 23, 2010 3:32 PM

All the way up, with a red-hot poker.

Posted by: Chris at February 23, 2010 7:14 PM

Cilla: You hope so, but I am here to tell you that, it will be with barbed wire and without lubricants. Enjoy.

Posted by: Fat Man at February 23, 2010 7:14 PM

His administrative bunker is beginning to show...

Posted by: monkeyfan at February 23, 2010 7:21 PM

Well....fuck 'em.

Posted by: Rob De Witt at February 23, 2010 8:50 PM

As the little Corsican emperor said, never interrupt our enemy when he is making a mistake.

Posted by: james wilson at February 23, 2010 9:25 PM

Yanno... it struck me 'long about your first paragraph that there's only one logical reason person "would – in the face of the widespread hatred of this program – strap the Rising Sun bandana on his forehead and go full kamikaze on the sitting Democrats in the halls of Congress": what's in front of him is *less* fearsome than whatever is standing *behind* him.

That might bear some investigation.

Posted by: Claire at February 23, 2010 9:58 PM


Posted by: rab at February 24, 2010 8:56 AM

after reading idiotic remarks like this ,it makes the argument for reform much easier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: at March 11, 2010 4:15 PM

I appreciate your analysis, metaphors and concise conclusion. It saves so much tedious examination of BO's bullshit

Posted by: sweetpea at July 2, 2010 4:54 PM

My wife and I are 64 years old, I am semi-retired living on a little over $700 a month, and trying to work parttime at anything I can find! My wife holds a full time job with a huge health network conglomerate who provided us with health coverage, a pretty fair package BEFORE this Obamacare shit came into law!!! We paid about $50 per month for her and $10 per month additional for me, and we both smoke. NOW.... we've been informed that our coverage, because of this so called.. Affordable Care Act.... is going to cost us MORE money... just because we smoke!!!! The same f**king coverage, but at an increase in our monthly cost of $150 for the SAME coverage that we had previously, while we smoked then, but will now be charged additionally for it. WTF!!! Why is it that NOW, we have to pay an additional cost for the same coverage that we had before this Obamacare shit??!!

Additionally, my daughter, who was previously covered with health insurance that was provided by HER employer, but which she paid the premium of $150 per month, and working what the employer's minimum required hours to provide it for her, now has been informed that she is losing her coverage through her employer, actually already has, just DROPPED.. just like that, and now has to find her own insurer.

So much for Obamacare and how it's helping the people of America!!!!

Somebody should slap the shit out of this asshole and all those that sucked his ass along the way to this "benefit" for the American people!!!!

This only benefits the money mongers!!! The big f**king insurance companies and the health care industry that's making obscene profits on the backs of the poor working class Americans that can't afford to get sick or hurt anymore.

Who do you think lobbied for this law. I sure didn't see John Q. Public on the capital steps begging to be fleeced even more than the government is already doing to us!!! I think it's about time they keep their F**KING hands out of my pocket for awhile. I can't afford to be THIS FREE in America anymore!!!!

I guess the lyrics in that song ring true after all.... "Freedom's just another word for NOTHING LEFT TO LOOSE!"

Petty soon America's gonna be another Syria!!!!

You think we got it so good HERE?? Maybe a little better, but it just keeps getting worse year after year!

Posted by: Matt at October 2, 2013 1:43 PM