April 24, 2016

Frequently Asked Future Questions of Future Greens

“Leadership”: What is the architectural equivalent of defenestration into elevator shafts?

Hey, is Yucca Mountain in Nevada open yet?

Is the infrastructure ready for an entire time zone to plug in electric cars, all at once, yet?

Can we expect NON-rolling brown out rationing?

Will a diesel generator recharge my autonomous car AND run the security lights ?

How much is Iranian “heavy” water, per 500ml plastic bottle?

They’ll be stetting up manufacturing of affordable and accessable Solarvoltaic panels, and wind mills with that profit?

Has rain-X marketed those special solar roof panel “winter” wiper blades yet?

Does spinning ones tires when stuck in snow, affect the range /heat /communications /lights /locks in electric cars?

Can I get a carbon offsets, for packaging/transportation/garbage generation, if I have agriculture that actually produces food, that I actually eat?

Can I get an “energy efficiency rebate” if I replace my old solar powered clothes dryer with a NEW, high efficiency, rope (and eco-friendly “wood” clothes pins)?

Just opening a cultured, intellectual, dialogue.

-- - CaptDMO House of Eratosthenes

Posted by gerardvanderleun at April 24, 2016 8:29 AM
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Posted by: Casey Klahn at April 24, 2016 5:48 PM