April 3, 2008

"Did You Ever Have to Make Up Your Mind?" by the Lovin' Superdelegates

Everbody sing! Follow the bouncing balls!

Did you ever have to make up your mind,
To nominate one and kick the other's behind?
It's often quite sleazy and never refined,
Did you ever have to make up your mind?

Did you ever have to finally decide
To nominate one and let the other one slide?
There's just so much bullshit and lies you can hide.
Did you ever have to finally decide?

Sometimes you're hot for the Hill, an ex-President's honey,
With lots of sharp pants-suits, but not too much money,
And just when you think she'll John McCain whack,
You brain gets drained by some hustler named Barack.

And then you know you'd better make up your mind.
Declare you're for one and kiss the other's behind.
It's often quite sleazy and never refined,
Did you ever have to make up your mind?

Sometimes you really dig the chick who says she's got cred,
But without your black voters you are better off dead,
Then up jumps his pastor who's not all that divine....
Whoa, you better go home, Dems, and make up your mind!

And then you bet you'd better finally decide...
To nominate one and watch your party divide.
There's just so much bullshit and lies you can hide.
Did you ever have to finally decide?

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Posted by Vanderleun at April 3, 2008 10:35 PM | TrackBack
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