July 28, 2014

Briar Patch Barack


"In case you're wondering why the president is now greeted with the musical strains of "Zippity Doo Dah" rather than "Hail to the Chief," it's because Barack Obama has decided that the only way he can pull the midterms out of the fire for the Democrats is to deliberately try to get himself impeached. Which is why the White House has started floating accusations that some unnamed person or body is thinking about impeaching the alleged president. But why would Barry want to get impeached? Because in the current political climate, he could never actually be convicted by the other Democrats and so he can happily use the mere threat of impeachment as "proof" that he's the victim of racism." Hope n' Change Cartoons: Uncle Ream Us

Posted by gerardvanderleun at July 28, 2014 9:06 AM
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Even if he were to be impeached, what of it? Has everyone conveniently forgotten that Br'er Clinton was in fact impeached, and simply ignored it?

"Progressives" rail about Nixon's being impeached, but he wasn't - choosing instead to resign in the face of the threat; but then Nixon was a man who understood the concept of shame, and Clinton, well.....And Obama self-evidently doesn't give a shit what anybody thinks but himself, so all this "impeachment" racket is just another shuck by the politicos.

What are they gonna do, tell his Mommy?

Posted by: Rob De Witt at July 28, 2014 11:09 AM

If he overturns immigration law by executive order, and it stands, then it's legal.

That's precedent.

Good job, Mr. Obama. You set out to destroy the Republic, and you are just about there.

Posted by: TmjUtah at July 28, 2014 4:48 PM

Obama: "Please impeach me, I beseech ye. Zippity doo dah, zippity eye ay........"

Me: "Mr. President, have you no shame, sir?"

Obama: "Shame is for you old white folks."

'Bout sums it up.

Posted by: Jimmy J. at July 28, 2014 7:55 PM

They knew how to deal with unruly presidents back in the 60s. Momo Giancana and some of his pals and a grassy knoll, that's it that's all. And one for the little brother too.

Impeachment will serve no good purpose. They read Alinsky and we don't.

Posted by: chasmatic at July 29, 2014 6:37 AM