December 17, 2007

"Jesus, it's your automobile."

YOUR READING ASSIGNMENT FOR TODAY is this entire post from Sensing: "There were two or three high-speed revolutions on the road surface. All I heard was whizzing of the tires skidding across first the pavement and then the grass. The windshield went opaque from water and thrown mud. I hear two loud bangs and the car suddenly stops. I am surrounded by pine trees. I smell and see smoke. The car's on fire! Seat belt off, pull the door handle. Nothing happens. The door's jammed. I see shattered glass all over me and feel cold air against my face. The driver's side window is shattered. Even if the door worked, it wouldn't open more than two inches because of the trees. Great: I lived through the crash to burn to death." Sense of Events: Clarity

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Posted by Vanderleun at December 17, 2007 11:35 PM | TrackBack
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