November 21, 2007

Origin of "Moonbat"

moonbat-brain.jpgTaylor @ Word Around Net explains it all to you in: MOONBATS AND GEARS "The origin of moonbat is a bit more unusual, however. You can trace it to a British writer named George Monbiot.Mr Monbiot is a writer for the Guardian newspaper, and is credited with being the first journalist to warn about the horrors of peak oil, and claimed that chemical weapons were used in Fallujah. His most lucrative work has been flying around the world and driving cars with fossil fuel driven engines to warn about how we're destroying the world with carbon-based pollution. At just 45, he has a lot of activism and writing ahead of him, but Monbiot's radical environmentalist, leftist, and anti-war stances singled him out as a remarkably loud voice of the extreme left. A corruption of his name became moonbat, and the word stuck for anyone who espouses similar positions."

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Posted by Vanderleun at November 21, 2007 12:19 PM | TrackBack

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