October 28, 2007

De Tours

Green Fire: American Thinker: The Environmentalist Fires "What's really changing the "climate" in Southern California is that there is more fuel for fires, since much less of the brush, as well as disease-infested trees, can be cleared, thanks to environmental mandates."

Confederate Yankee's A Point of Honor:"I'd ask U.S. military veterans, military families, active duty personnel, and the vast majority of Americans who support our servicemen and women to call these companies, institutions and agencies to pull their advertising from TNR, effective immediately." Time to boycott The New Republic's advertisers. [Reminds me of the old AD article here -- No More Letters to the Editor @ AMERICAN DIGEST "If enough letters get written not to editors but to advertisers, the editor then gets to have a conversation he really hates -- a conversation with the publisher. When the advertisers get nervous, the publisher gets nervous."
Headline of the week so far: "Experimenting with a four-headed penis"
Tim Rutten, top LA Times Moron: Proof positive @ Confederate Yankee: I'm Sorry... Was That Supposed to be Journalism?
Cashing in even though you can't buy one with cash: Apple Makes $831 On Each AT&T iPhone
Smokin' deals: Free Shopping at Walgreens @ Wise Bread
Obama ... deep down he's shallow.
Gates of Vienna: On the Deconstructionist virus "The more corrupt the state, the more laws."
Gore trumps bore: Saw IV grosses $32 Million, "Jimmy Carter: Man From Plains," had a poor debut, taking in just $10,573.
Sentence to be carried out, we hope, in Saw V: "A jury on Friday decided that a woman convicted of killing an expectant mother and cutting her baby from her womb should receive the death penalty."
The Joy of British National Health Care: "More than 70,000 Britons will have treatment abroad this year – a figure that is forecast to rise to almost 200,000 by the end of the decade. Patients needing major heart surgery, hip operations and cataracts are using the internet to book operations to be carried out thousands of miles away."
Gunslinger to Brits: Time to get a gun. "They are illegal. Not unavailable."
Sanity improves in the United States: "Today 19 out of 50 US states, mostly in the south and the central regions of the country, have ['shoot first'] laws, and similar legislation is pending in about a dozen others."
How to turn off annoying MS Word Features.
The Influence Peddler: It Was Only a Matter of Time There are green weddings, why not green funerals?
Heartwarming news of the web: Al Qaeda Website Confirms Plans For An American Hiroshima
Ka-blooey!: Make a pumpkin "bomb" Delight and amaze your friends, or just confound them with lots of disorienting smoke.
And then up to 20 contestants chase a seven-pound circular block of cheese down a steep, bumpy hillside, trying to catch it before it gets to the bottom of 300 yards below.

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Posted by Vanderleun at October 28, 2007 7:08 PM | TrackBack

"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.

PLEASE REVIEW Confederate Yankee's Point Of Honor post; I believe you have inadvertantly mis-stated it. It is NOT calling for individuals to boycott the Advertisers. It IS encourageing individuals to encourage the advertisers to withdraw their advertising support from TNR.

Posted by: John Pennylegion at October 28, 2007 10:14 PM

You are correct and I've corrected accordingly. Thanks.

Posted by: vanderleun at October 29, 2007 6:02 AM
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