October 4, 2007

Let's Review!

Border of the Living Albinos
Freeberg is so NOT buying "the poor precious babums vs. the "cruel veto pen" blather -- from either side. He's also not down with the "racism" crapola and supplies you with albinos to prove it.

Power Line compiles statements from Phony Democrats for your viewing pleasure.

By the way... what does all the Rush Limbaugh = Bad BS oozing out of the Democrat party really mean? It means, first, last, and to the core, they've got nothing else to do and nothing else to say. Nothing, zero, zip, nada. After all, why say something when you can say nothing?
Pith on the insane partisans from Mike @ Cold Fury "a true schizoid break that has led to a heretofore unimaginable alliance between supposed "progressives" and intolerant, barbaric religious fanatics straight out of the 14th century."
Where Have All the Peaceniks Gone? asks James Lewis. Not anywhere where they have to say or do anything about "Burma's fascist massacres of peaceful Buddhist monks" it seems.
Report from the fourth grade by Harry "At least half of my fourth graders have first or second grade writing and speaking vocabularies."
Richard Baehr doesn't quite say 'The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers' ... and faculty members and journalists. But he's closing in on it with The New American Tyranny: A Prosecutor, the Faculty and Journalists
Bookworm regrets his lockstep leftism: "I was such an unthinking soldier, so caught up in the 'fate worse than death if Thomas wins' mentality, that I might have justified the Doggett attack away as easily as I did everything else."
The Hill-Thomas fiasco also began The Anchoress' departure from the Democrat party. "I didn't leave the left just then. But I started paying more attention to everything, and trusting the press and my own party a bit less, then a bit less, then a bit less."
Language lessons: Speaking Toddlerese to the Left @ One Cosmos.
Mercifully, there is nothing new today about Henry Waxman's nostrils. But eternal vigilance, etc., etc....
Taylor @ Word Around the Net sums up Obama as "an idealistic but foolish youngster. He looks young, but his speeches sound even younger, like the earnest writings of a 14 year old. We'll just get rid of all the nukes! We should love peace and hate war! If we just talk to the bad guys, they'll understand us and we'll understand them and we can stop all the killing! I used to think like that too -- when I was in high school."
SMACKDOWN! World Rock Paper Scissors championships coming to Toronto, October 16. Get your game face on.
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Posted by Vanderleun at October 4, 2007 9:46 AM | TrackBack

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