October 2, 2007

Wingbats and Moon-nuts

henry_waxman.jpgBlackwater Chief Defends Firm, Offers to Guard Entrances to Waxman's Nostrils

Blackwater chairman Erik Prince vigorously rejected charges Tuesday that guards from his private security firm acted like a bunch of cowboys immune to legal prosecution while protecting State Department personnel in Iraq and Afghanistan."I believe we acted appropriately at all times," Prince, a 38-year-old former Navy SEAL, calmly told the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. "If this committee has any doubts, I offer six of our finest spelunking operatives to take up commanding positions around the Chairman's nostrils. You'll soon see how we can seal up something that's even more porous than the Mexican border."

Like some long forgotten Queen of the Damned, Anita Hill, with no little help from the headline punsters @ the Times (The Smear This Time) is back like Long Dong Silver and determined to try to stick it again to Justice Clarence Thomas. Her big gotcha? "I stand by my testimony."

Really? Surprise. Surprise. I guess it would be too much to hope that she'd cop to just making it up. After all, this is the woman who wrote the forgettable but predictable book, "Speaking Truth to Power."

Speaking of Speaking Truth to Power, David Warren issues this reminder: "when someone announces that he is going to "speak truth to power," it is invariably time to brace ourselves for a scintillating display of hypocrisy and narcissism."

Warren is not looking at Anita Hill, but at "people who have taken very few risks in their lives, and take no risk in speaking publicly. By people who have, in fact, chosen to utter some mendacious and interested half "truth," that happens also to be the received view of the mainstream media, the chattering classes, Hollywood, the Democrat and Liberal parties, and all the self-adoring progressive forces in the world, who enjoy large incomes, and have homes in gated neighborhoods that burn a lot of electricity."

Anita was but a friend of these types when she was of use to them. No longer it would seem. Unless.... unless.... re-staining Thomas is her ticket back. Maybe we could concatenate Hills whole career into a single new maxim, "A scorned woman never forgets."

Elsewhere, there are is an increasing sense of an ongoing fashion crisis in the White House.
Debra Cagan, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Coalition Affairs to Defence Secretary Robert Gates -- I hate all Iranians, US aide tells MPs | the Daily Mail The Pentagon denied Ms. Cagan "hated Iranians," but could offer no explanation for the hair.

Good news / bad news Obama blather: Good and pleasingly non-controversial. "Here's what I'll say as President: America seeks a world in which there are no nuclear weapons." Whew, that's a relief! I would have taken him for a warmonger. Bad and numbing: "I'll give an annual "State of the World" address to the American people in which I lay out our national security policy." Zzzzzzzzz.......

I told you that bitch not crazee: Black Gay Men, Lesbians, and Bisexual Individuals Have Significantly Fewer Mental Disorders than Whites, According to Mailman School Study This is Columbia's contribution to knowledge this week after the "No Gays in Iran" gambit of last week. It's written by Ilan H. Meyer, Deputy Chair for MPH Programs, Sociomedical Sciences. In case you are wondering what the hell Sociomedical Sciences are -- as well you might -- it would seem they are something to do with (take a deep breath) "the correlation between epidemiological trends and structural inequities in order to expose the fundamental social causes of public events, including discrimination, stigma, and poverty. From this perspective health behavior is conceptualized, as an interactive product of the social environment and developing effective public health strategies requires interventions that extend beyond the level of the individual to target interpersonal, organizational, community, economic, political, and cultural factors." Got it? Good.

Ted Nugent is not in favor of not shooting.

Who is Bill Clinton dating? Here are Bill's dates.
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Posted by Vanderleun at October 2, 2007 2:35 PM | TrackBack

"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.


I believe Ms. Cagan is receiving the Hungarian Order of Intermediate Merit in that picture ( see here: http://www.uefa.com/uefa/Keytopics/kind=64/newsId=406654.html ) which explains the unusual neckwear. It's not a picture from the event the Daily Mail describes, and there are better pictures available if they just wanted to swipe one from the web.

I bring this up only because the Lefties are being their usual tolerant selves: http://slog.thestranger.com/2007/10/another_pic_from_the_folsom_street_fair

Posted by: See-Dubya at October 2, 2007 3:58 PM

Looks like Obama has decided for a cabinet post.

Hillary's only chance to win the general is for the media to insulate her from the moonbat base (moonbase? I tear myself up sometimes...) yet not tick off the 'bats so badly they make trouble in the primaries. She's going to ignore them EXCEPT for voting in the senate, and she'll only vote for meaningless resolutions even then. But she'll not address Media Matters or any specific kook group by name between now and the general election.

There will be no "Sister Souljah" moment for Hillary. No f*cking apologia PERIOD for anything. The current spate of manufactured outrages re O'Reilley, Limbaugh, the suppression of factual reporting on the progress of the surge, and al Hollywood's antiwar/anti American film blitz are parts of a coordinated media operation. Hillary doesn't have to bring lotion and paper towels to this drive - in.

What is underway now, with Senators propagating a baldfaced lie (okay, okay, TODAY'S lie, re "phony soldiers" - not the "we support the troops" or "we care about national defense" lies) from the floor of the Senate, a lie based on the propaganda manipulations of a Hungarian economic pirate on record as wanting to see America made over in europe's image, is what is left of "subtle" on the Left.

Obama has done the numbers and realizes that no amount of money will approach the worth of media working toward making Hill The One. He also knows that if she wins (and everyone knows if it IS a democrat, it can only be her) she'll staff her administration with non-threatening lightweights and tokens, just like the nineties.

Having Obama covers both the black male and straight male checkboxes on the org chart. He also gets a star as being a nuke-free buffoon, which always plays well in Hollywood around fundraising time.

Come to think of it, NoNukes occupying a cabinet slot will certainly be worth scads of rubles or yuan in any future election cycle. Obama is a young guy for the league he's in. He might try to stick it out.

And maybe the horse will learn to sing.

Posted by: TmjUtah at October 2, 2007 9:23 PM
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