August 31, 2007

Real Sociopathic Boys


One of my new and favorite blogs is Sippican Cottage from the once great state of Massachusetts (wherein I lived for four years long, long ago.) The brain in the Sippican Cottage jar seldom fails to disappoint, but this morning -- what with all the meditations on returning to school seen here -- I cannot help but recommend to your attention his recent The Borderline Sociopathic Book For Boys. Samples:

(Since the Dangerous Book for Boys has upped the ante by claiming that learning to play chess makes you a ninja, we'll have to stoke the furnace of hyperbole further to get noticed at this point.)

1. Ride a bicycle without a helmet. You heard me. And no spandex spangled with lavender and chrome yellow blotches and French words. You'll wear canvas shoes, too. You will not have anything with you that people with helmets refer to as "hydration." Eventually, you can get a blast of rubber-tasting hot water from a garden hose.

2. Tell your 5th grade teacher, when she starts in with the Vegan lecture again during a spelling lesson, that you're going to kill and eat your supper as soon as you can get your hands on some weapons. Then inform her that if she gives you anything less than a 'B" on any report card because you told her that, your father will have a phalanx of lawyers turn her life into a deposition purgatory. Then don't pass in any homework for the remainder of the term. Let's see who has the stones.

3. We're playing FOOTBALL, without any equipment but the ball. There are no rules, so this chapter is short. Soccer is Irish stepdancing with a ball introduced. We don't want any of that.

4. We're going out with dad on Earth Day, and we're cutting down a tree with a chainsaw.

Not only is there more, much more at the link, but it has given rise to its own blog: The Borderline Sociopathic Blog For Boys

Clearly an online educational resource we can all support.

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Posted by Vanderleun at August 31, 2007 9:10 AM | TrackBack

"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.

Before he gets carried away, he should know that there's already a Borderline Sociopathic Book For Boys. It's called the Koran.

Posted by: Gagdad Bob at August 31, 2007 2:04 PM


Posted by: leelu at September 2, 2007 8:15 PM


In my excitement to post, I didn't read your comment.

How rude!

I think the B.S.B.f.B. would be considered "Sociopathic" by those who are P.C.

Actually, it sounds pretty normal for when I grew up.

The Koran takes sociopathy to a whole new twisted & sick level.

Posted by: leelu at September 2, 2007 8:18 PM

Bob, you're wrong. Sorry, but you are. Sociopathy means being pathologically indifferent to the social norms of your society. The social norm of Islamic society IS the Koran - hence the jihadists are perfectly well-adjusted by their society's standards. In fact, they are exemplars.

And this does not mean that their society is sick, either. It's perfectly healthy. It can be described by a word that's gone out of fashion. It's EVIL.

On a peripherally related subject - many people think that The Lord of the Rings was about Nazi Germany. I don't - I think that Mordor wasn't Germany, it was the Middle East.

Posted by: Fletcher Christian at September 4, 2007 3:07 AM
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