August 16, 2007

Hillary's Feeling "Good About Where I Am." In Pahrump, Nevada.

"Been there. Done that. Have the autographed panties."

Hillary needs better staff advance work. Monday she said, in a parting shot at Karl Rove when asked about his observation that she is a "flawed candidate,"

Mrs. Clinton:" Well, aren't we glad to see him go, I think is the answer to that. You know, I am thrilled to be running this campaign, and to be getting the response that I'm getting all over the country. I was in Pahrump, Nevada, just today, earlier. 2,500 people. I feel very good about where I am." -- OpinionJournal - Best of the Web Today
One thing you don't want to say when you are a candidate for President is that you "feel very good" about being in Pahrump, Nevada. Pahrump, Nevada, is -- for those who know -- the whorehouse capitol of Nevada, and hence, as far as legal brothels go, the whorehouse capitol of the United States. Now that might be the normal metaphysical environment for politicians of all parties, but it just isn't done to glory in it.

Still, a crowd of 2,500 adoring Pahrumpers is nothing to sneeze at on the campaign trail. I wonder if they included off-duty girls from Sheri's Ranch - Home - Southern Nevada's Premier Legal Brothel [Click to review. It's okay. It's research.], *Samantha "Petite & Sexy," *Sinful Angel "Sultry European Lover," *Sunny "A Tall Drink of Hot Chocolate" from the Chicken Ranch Brothel - "Best Little Whorehouse in the West" [Click to review. It's okay. It's research.], or perhaps some of these raging and fully liberated feminists from "Cherry Patch Ranch [Click to review. It's okay. It's research.] I'm sure a few must have turned up at the Hillary rally. My own research into the matter revealed some 8 years ago that many of the working girls of Pahrump are indeed Democrats even if many are packing heat at the same time. (A hedge against occupational hazards.)

Unlike Hillary's ham-handed campaign organization, I have actually researched Pahrump's prostitution industry first-hand. (You. Yes, you. Wipe that smirk off your face.)

Not that it will do any good, but... in the interest of full disclosure I will stipulate that although I did accept a junket from Las Vegas to Sherri's Ranch in 2000, "I did not have sex with that woman," er, those women. I merely went along for the limo ride with my more easily impressed and unjaded junior editors because I was sick of the porn convention being held at the time, and sicker still of Las Vegas.

Nevertheless, after wafting through the desert to Pahrump -- on, I assume, the same limo ride Hillary took on Monday -- it was hard to miss that you were in a town whose main claims to fame were whores and Art Bell.

I don't remember a whole lot about that junket other than the couple in from out of state pouring over the brothel's menu, and a number of rather shop-worn women lounging about in lingerie looking extremely bored. But it was the afternoon and maybe things started cooking at night. Lord knows they were ready for it with over 300 parking places in the lot outside and plans to build a golf course and an airstrip. I remember that the man who owned it all dressed in a tight white western suit with a scorpion-crested bolo tie, lizard-skin cowboy boots, and a facial expression dominated by slit eyes framed by almost albino skin. I remember thinking at the time that this was the sort of man who not only knew where the shallow graves in the Nevada desert were but had filled a few.

I suppose he's still there today -- or someone much like him. Maybe they helped organize the Hillary rally as pillars of the Pahrump community. They are, after all, members of the oldest entrepreneurial sect in the world. They may even have had some suggestions for the Clinton crew. It wouldn't be the first time that prostitution and Washington made for comfy bedfellows.

Perhaps, with a little more prep work on the part of her staff, they could have discovered this new method of raising money for her campaign. Then again, maybe they have.

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Posted by Vanderleun at August 16, 2007 10:26 AM | TrackBack
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"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.

OK, I'll supply the snark.

Bill had wandered off, and they were just, you know, looking in all the likely places.

Posted by: ed in texas at August 16, 2007 12:23 PM

Why would a whore not feel good about being in the whore capital of the world? The only thing that pissed Hillary off, is that every other woman in the town was making more money per hour than she was. And enjoying it.

Posted by: Harlot at August 16, 2007 4:56 PM

Any news on what promises Hillary made in Pahrump?

Posted by: Dusty at August 16, 2007 5:21 PM

She is lying. Terry M. and her advisor's were praying Karl would serve the duration. Now he is out of the picture, they need to identify a new Lucifer.

Posted by: Horst Graben at August 16, 2007 5:48 PM

Prostitution or politics... which one is the oldest profession again?

In one you sell your body, in the other you sell you soul. Hmmm, given Hillary's body, I think she probably is making the right choice.

But only barely.

Posted by: at August 16, 2007 6:04 PM

Prostitution or politics... which one is the oldest profession again?

In one you sell your body, in the other you sell you soul. Hmmm, given Hillary's body, I think she probably is making the right choice.

But only barely.

Posted by: Mike at August 16, 2007 6:06 PM

and for the most part, they'll all have more cleavage than Hillary...

Posted by: marc in calgary at August 16, 2007 10:16 PM

If you really did your "research" you would see that there is a girl named "Chelsea" that works at the Chicken Ranch...but unlike the other girls, there is no picture, claiming she is "camera shy" ...

Posted by: at August 17, 2007 9:41 AM

Pahrump, Nevada? My first thought would be that she's getting a secret briefing from Art Bell...

Posted by: Anachronda at August 17, 2007 12:52 PM

What's "packing heat?" Is it a hiking/camping/fly fishing term?

Oh well, on second thought, I don't really want to know........yuk, yuk.

Posted by: Webutante at August 17, 2007 2:10 PM

Packing heat means carrying a gun.

Posted by: Gerard Van der Leun at August 17, 2007 5:22 PM

Packing heat means carrying a gun.

Posted by: Gerard Van der Leun at August 17, 2007 5:32 PM

A Clinton for President again..? Hope it doesn't happen. Also, Guess what, Pahrump has a huge amount of good, law abiding, tax paying, church going, community minded, good people.

The people that I work with in Las Vegas ask me if my wife works at the Chicken Ranch. Pretty small minded opinion of our community. And yes, we do have a grocery store.

Posted by: mike at August 17, 2007 8:31 PM


Posted by: Webutante at August 18, 2007 5:51 AM

if you can...please provide a topography of your
whore house which includes a telescopic photo of
said airport landing strip. thanks a million.

Posted by: at September 17, 2007 4:38 AM
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