August 11, 2007

It's Time to Play...

... wherein we discover that, yes, the world gets dumber one day at a time.


Above:Neatorama -- Motorized Pool Lounger.

And below:The Scuba Diving Cat

"It's amazing how similar the 2008 race is to the 2004 race. We have a formidable establishment candidate who originally backed the war, then changed his mind (John Kerry then, Hillary Clinton now); a challenger who has opposed the war all along, and who is clearly out of his depth (Howard Dean, Barack Obama); and a third guy who stands around looking pretty (John Edwards, John Edwards)." -- James Taranto

Picking Green Pockets Through the Guilt Gland: "Your trip from San Francisco to London and back will cover 17236 Kmand produce 1.9 tonnes of CO2... the calculator reported. And then I was offered the chance to purchase one of this list of attractive carbon-reducing projects..." -- Carbon Offsets For Airline Passengers

"Private Beauchamp has now reached the final phase of the Stephen Glass story -- the stage where he's avoiding taking the editor's calls." Mark Steyn

Never, but never, send Dr. Sanity email that begins, "You're a low life traitor to the American people, get your sorry azz over to Iraq and fight for your little drunken POS brain dead appointed moron squatting in my White house." Extensive psychological evisceration and online gender reassignment surgery follows @ Dr. Sanity: MORE EMAIL

"The news from the AFP is that it is news to the AFP: Nearly half US murder victims are black. I knew that. Anyone who ever studied crime more than 5 minutes knows that.... A logical man would conclude that society cares little about young, poor black men." --Don Surber

The secret of anti-Americanism: "Four really puzzling facts about anti-Americanism." Unqualified Reservations:

Speed Bump at the Chinese Fire Drill: "Foreign Tire Sales, a New Jersey importer, said yesterday that it would recall about 255,000 light-truck tires made to order by a Chinese company.... The company has reported two deaths in a rollover accident involving the tires. The closely held Foreign Tire, based in Union, N.J., said that the tire treads or belts might separate because of a missing or inadequate gum strip, an adhesive layer between plies, possibly causing vehicles to go out of control." Importer Recalls 255,000 Chinese Light-Truck Tires

Tom Wolfe will never run out of material: "Two cakes is obscene," Mrs. Bancroft said."We're at 16," Serena said. "If Kelsey comes."A Marie Antoinette cake -- a six-layer extravaganza of yellow and chocolate cakes, raspberry jam, raspberry butter cream and chocolate mousse -- was bought as well." A Hamptons Barbecue, Aglow With Star Power - New York Times

Clueless: "Leftists, environmentalists, and others who glibly utter such slogans as, "No blood for oil!" have no idea what the consequences would be, if we took them seriously. For they do not grasp to what degree they themselves depend for their miserable little existences on an economy in which self-sufficiency is a thing of the distant past." David Warren

"Cool It: The Skeptical Environmentalist's Guide to Global Warming will further enhance Lomborg's reputation for global analysis and thoughtful response. For anyone who wants an overview of the global warming debate from an objective source, this brief text is a perfect place to start. Lomborg is only interested in real problems, and he has no patience with media fear-mongering; he begins by dispatching the myth of the endangered polar bears, showing that this Disneyesque cartoon has no relevance to the real world where polar bear populations are in fact increasing." Michel Crichton

"As a scientist I do not have much faith in predictions. Science is organized unpredictability. The best scientists like to arrange things in an experiment to be as unpredictable as possible, and then they do the experiment to see what will happen. You might say that if something is predictable then it is not science. When I make predictions, I am not speaking as a scientist. I am speaking as a story-teller, and my predictions are science-fiction rather than science." Freeman Dyson

Obama's S-word: "Barack Obama has announced that he would meet with America's enemies and attack America's friends. Those interested in a dramatic departure from Bush/Cheney need look no further." Mona Charen

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Posted by Vanderleun at August 11, 2007 10:12 AM | TrackBack

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