April 24, 2006

Fish. Barrel. Bang: Taking Bin-Laden at His Word

If it's a Crusade, let's start crusading....

Europe under Islam. Next?

OUR FAVORITE INHABITANT OF THE REALMS OF THE UNDEAD, Osama Bin Laden, is back and stating the obvious yet again: "The blockade which the West is imposing on the government of Hamas proves that there is a Zionist, crusaders' war on Islam," bin Laden said. -- Bin Laden Tape: U.S. Is at War With Islam

What? A religious war? Who knew?

Well, you did. Didn't you? And I did.

And I couldn't agree more. I've been agreeing with Bin Laden since about 11 PM EST on 9/11/2001. The questions now, as they were then, remain, "What, exactly, are we prepared to do about this war? And exactly how many US civilians will have to die to free us to end the war by any means necessary?"

To the first question, I would answer, "We are not yet prepared to do what we will be called upon to do."

To the second question, I would answer, "It will take from somewhere between 100 and 100,000 civilian deaths on American soil, depending on the method of attack, for the US to move to decisively end the First Terrorist War. Absent that we will be playing Patty-Cakes with Islam for decades."

EXCERPTED FROM The First Terrorist War @ American Digest. First published in October, 2003

4. The Goal of Radical Islam is Our Destruction

The consequences of a political and military stand-down would be to allow our enemies the time, basing and mobility to grow in numbers, advance in training, achieve greater tactical position within and about our borders, and acquire ever more sophisticated and powerful weapons. Once they have advanced to the next level of lethality they will strike us again with an effect on our lives, liberties, property and economy more extreme than 9/11.

The goals of the Radical Islamic forces arrayed against us are the same as their factotums, the Palestinians, have for Israel. In the jihad against Israel we can see what
the Islamic forces have in mind for us: the complete destruction of our systems, the occupation of our land, the usurpation of our government, and the death or conversion of all our citizens. These are the goals of Radical Islam as understood by their fundamentalists and as tolerated by the vast majority of believers.

Much has been written about these goals. Most of our scholars conclude they are only fantasies, but a nuclear weapon detonated in Seattle does not care if a fantasy set it off.

Whether the goals of Radical Islam can be achieved is a matter for history to determine. It is the belief that they can be achieved that brings the First Terrorist War upon us. To the extent that we fail to recognize the intensity and commitment of our enemies in this war; to the extent we fail to match their passion for our destruction with our passion for victory; to the extent we cast our lot with process as they cast their lot with their God, we weaken our ability to decisively defeat them.

Ours is a "war on terror" while theirs is a "Jihad." Our efforts are a process. Theirs are directed by divine mandate. Whether you are of a secular or religious persuasion, it is well to remember that if you go to war you'd best have God on your side.

As such it is time to put away the frayed and weak designation of our actions as the "war on terror" for it is not "terror" that shooting wars engage. Wars engage combatants, armies, populations, institutions, nations and religions. It is unpopular, almost unsayable, to designate the First Terrorist War as a religious war, yet all serious people know that this is the case and that this, in the end, is what it shall come to.

5. The War of Two Religions

Through the violent attacks of a Radical Islam, two religions have been brought into conflict. The first is that of Islam, a faith that at its core requires absolute submission from its adherents, and looks towards the subjugation of the world as its ultimate apotheosis. As the youngest of the monotheistic religions, Islam is at a point in its development that Christianity passed through centuries ago. And it is not with Christianity that Islam is currently at war. Islam is saving that for the mopping up phase of its current campaign. The religion that Islam has engaged is a much younger one, the religion of Freedom.

As a religion Freedom has been gaining converts since the success of the American Revolution enabled it to go forth and be preached to the world. Freedom is easily the most popular of the new religions and historically converts nearly 100% of all populations in which it is allowed to take firm root. This is the religion which we have lately brought to Iraq.

The genius of the religion of Freedom is that it allows all other religions, from the venerable to the trivial, to exist without fear of censure or destruction. Indeed, the only thing that the religion of Freedom firmly forbids is the destruction of Freedom itself. "Thou shalt not destroy Freedom" seems to be the only commandment. And Freedom has been shown to resist efforts to destroy it in the most ferocious way. It's enemies would do well to ponder the fate of previous attempts to do so.

On September 11, the agents of Radical Islam began their attempt to destroy Freedom by attacking it at its core. The reaction of Freedom to this assault has been, once you consider the destructive power of the weapons systems it possesses, measured, deliberate and cautious. This is because Freedom, although sorely wounded, does not yet feel that its very existence is threatened. A more serious attack at any time in the future will put paid to that specious notion.

Following a second attack at a level equal to or exceeding September 11, any political opposition to pursuing our enemies with all means at our disposal will be swept off the table. The First Terrorist War will begin in earnest and it will not be a series of small wars with long lead times and a careful consultation of allies. The war will become, virtually overnight, a global war of violent preemption and merciless attack towards the spiritual and geographic centers of our enemy. Arguments revolving around the true meaning of "imminent" will be seen as they are -- so much factional prattle. Due to the nature of the enemy, the First Terrorist War will be fought here and there and everywhere. It does not matter when or where the second serious strike on the American homeland takes place, it only matters that on the day after this country will be at war far beyond the current level of conflict.

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Posted by Vanderleun at April 24, 2006 11:45 AM | TrackBack
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"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.

Thanks Gerard,
You are right it won't sink in until more happens on our soil and then it will GW'S fault for stirring them up.

American Thinker:

The Psychomyopic Democrats+ psychoglaucoma & psychoastereopsis

.......I have been waiting for someone to say the obvious, waiting in vain until I feel compelled to blurt it out myself.Here goes: “Many Democrats want the US to fail in Iraq!” I don’t mean that they think we’ll fail—they want us to. .....

The neural pathways inside their heads run something like this:

• The best thing for the United States would be for the Democratic party to come back into power.

• A really embarrassing failure in Iraq would tip next year’s election toward the Democrats.

• Therefore, a failure in Iraq would be good for the USA.

No "moral" filter in that pathway.
Hence no celebration of what has been gained even by Women in Iraq and Afghanistan.

They use "morals" like I use

Kleenex during allergy season:

Whip out,



No moral fiber here:
"Kerry prefaced his remarks by noting: "Clearly, leaking is against the law. And nobody should leak. I abhor leaking. I don't like it."

""If you're leaking to tell the truth, Americans are going to look at that [and] at least mitigate or think about what are the consequences that you, you know, put on that person," Kerry told ABC's "This Week."

So "“I actually did vote for the $87 billion, before I voted against it.”


"The character that takes command in moments of crucial choices has already been determined by a thousand other choices made earlier in seemingly unimportant moments. It has been determined by all the 'little' choices of years past—by all those times when the voice of conscience was at war with the voice of temptation, [which was] whispering the lie that 'it really doesn't matter.' It has been determined by all the day-to-day decisions made when life seemed easy and crises seemed far away—the decision that, piece by piece, bit by bit, developed habits of discipline or of laziness; habits of self-sacrifice or self-indulgence; habits of duty and honor and integrity—or dishonor and shame." —Ronald Reagan

Wish I could send a thank you note to each of the voters that filled that Ohio stadium.::grin::

Posted by: LARWYN at April 24, 2006 12:49 PM

I have serious concerns that rather than sweeping political opposition off the table, a more severe attack on US soil will drive the left farther into their derangement, fully and fervently convinced that Bush and his boneheaded cowboy foreign policy have indeed precipitated this latest attack, and he must be stopped at all costs from continuing to prosecute the "War On Terror" before he further inflames the Muslim world.

We have all seen their highly animated rage on full display. I shudder to think what they may be capable of in the event they truly become convinced that they must act to "save their world" using any and all means necessary.

Posted by: Paul at April 24, 2006 2:12 PM

Well, perhaps, but you have to remember one thing: they have virtually no weapons. And less ammo.

Posted by: Van der Leun at April 24, 2006 4:49 PM

Larwyn, thanks for that quote from Ronald Reagan. It reminds me of something from the Bible: "He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches? And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man's, who shall give you that which is your own?" Nobody seems to see the point of disciplining oneself in small matters; it's a question of training, of doing the right thing so often that it becomes second nature, like an athlete who's performed his warmups and training exercises so often that his muscles know what to do without the mind having to direct them. Instead, we have self-indulgent dilettants, who live by the slipshod code of the lazy actor: "It'll all be ok on The Night," trusting to luck and improvisation to get them out of a crisis, should it ever come. And of course, they have the gambler's tendency to bet that it never WILL come, and the bill for their carelessness will never come due.

Posted by: Dr. Mabuse at April 24, 2006 5:46 PM


What Gerard said. If the left really wants to go the "revolution" route, a world of hurt is going to come down on their heads. Literally. They have no idea. This ain't the 60's anymore, and patriotic Americans won't stand for their treasonous shit again.

As the saying goes, "Rope, tree, some assembly required."

Posted by: rickl at April 24, 2006 6:22 PM

That would be for a swing, right?

Posted by: Van der Leun at April 24, 2006 10:30 PM

What bothers me about Bin Laden's statement is this: If there is a Crusader-Zionist War against Islam, why does he need to point it out?

Europeans and Americans (including Russians) in the 19th and 20th Centuries conquered virtually all Islamic lands they wanted, with the exceptions of Afghanistan and Iran. (No one wanted Saudi. Every other one fell, if I recall correctly. I include the U.S. because of Mindanao.) There would be little to stop us from doing it again, if that was on our agenda.

All this is to say: Bin Laden hasn't seen the war yet. And he may never. Our internal divisions may be too great for us to unite under one flag and fight a serious fight.

I agree with those who say the Left will simply freak out if we face more terrorist attacks on U.S. soil, blaming George W. Bush. If anything, systematic terrorist attacks on the U.S. may provoke massive civil unrest, the outcome of which cannot be predicted.

Posted by: IB Bill at April 25, 2006 6:42 AM

Some gang had packed up tall aluminum light posts and laid them out lengthwise and were carrying them through the streets on dog-drawn wagons. Now why do you suppose they did that?
Oil, no.
Gunpowder, yes.
Cannon barrels.
Yes, the tall standing posts were smooth and hollowish and made excellent cannon barrels.
The police had fled. They lived in the suburbs and they had their own families to take care of.
Things weren’t that bad during the first few weeks because lots of families had supplies in the basements. Beans, babywipes, bottled water. The free-for-alls on the grocery stores during those first few days were amazing, predictable. What you’d expect. The strong do sometimes survive. Fights over cereal and parking lots filled with bodies sleeping, but dead.
Gangs, naturally came out in muscle and there was no getting around them.
It was some flubbed government attempt to isolate the Pacific northwest which it turns out wasn’t that valuable after all. The airforce and navy flew off. Bigger flying fish to fry. It was triage. Some wise FEMA director figured we could take care of ourselves. Well here is the record of one south Seattle community and how it took care of itself.
Kenny was a drug baby, now 12, with slurred speech and a useless right arm. None of the gangs touched him; you did not mess with Kenny. Kenny became the messenger between the gangs, the hapless rich on the hill above the lake, the basement bourgeoisie, and the heavily armed Muslim contingent at Holly Park.
Kenny’s foster dad, Kelly, said don’t go to an island to hide out. Sure enough, the rich Seattleites who fled to their second homes on Whidbey Island right after the bomb, thinking to wait it out in luxury, were now as living as bleached bison skulls of the Mojave. Don’t go to an island to hide out. Your enemies might take control and then where are you? You can’t escape. Kelly, by the way, was in fine fettle since he had been predicting apocalyptic civic disasters since he came back from Vietnam. 100% disability. Now he was in his element. He had so much ammo. Most of it homemade. “Homemade bullets, just like Grandma used to make,” Kelly would say as he cranked down on the jacket press of his machine, now set up at the kitchen dining table.
-from "When the Moon was Hollow"
a novel of the 1st terrorist war

Posted by: das at April 25, 2006 4:17 PM

As I posted on my own site, and I'm not going for the cheap linkage here- don't wake the Viking. We in the West have a tremendous capacity for violence, with historical examples unending. Don't make me mad, you wouldn't like me when I'm mad...

Posted by: jay-dubya at April 26, 2006 7:26 AM
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