March 7, 2005

Unbroken Vows

FRANCIS PORRETTO has written an extremely thought-provoking essay on what makes marriages fail and what makes marriages succeed.

Why, then, does the "me-centered" approach to marriage persist? Oughtn't such persons to be breeding themselves into extinction?

Possibly they are. Among other data, it appears that persons with a traditional view of marriage are producing more progeny than persons without that view. Certainly their marriages are lasting longer, which gives them a better chance to pass their attitudes on to others. They prefer one another's company, which reinforces their convictions. They tend to frown on abortion as well as on frivolous divorce. They also exhibit greater geographical stability than the easily divorced: they move less often, and when they do move, they tend not to move as far.

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Posted by Vanderleun at March 7, 2005 12:00 PM | TrackBack
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