April 20, 2005

Sense and Sensibility from My Sidebar

BECAUSE I'M NOT the only one here:

Baldilocks reveals I Don't Drink Soda Anyway but is right when, reviewing the Pepsico "scandal" she concludes:

There are better incidents over which to form a blogswarm.
Doctor Bob also takes a look at the spiritual and physical consequences of drinking something stronger than soda in The Revenge of the Fifth
But addiction is hardly alone as a symptom of this dark core. The list of destructive behaviors arising from its belly is endless: obesity, sexual promiscuity, compulsive overwork, materialism, computer obsession, gambling, the pursuit of beauty over character, the lust for money and power. Some may be biologically-driven; some learned behaviors or dysfunctional coping. All seek to fill a hole with no bottom, providing the wrong salve for the pain, and more of the same when the salve makes the wound fester.
The Spoons Experience's One Line Review of the Day:
I only saw this thing at Andrew Sullivan's site (I still drop by the train wreck about once a month).
Bill Whittle has a few questions with no easy answers about our "American 'Progrressives' " in Sanctuary
How many children -- four or five year old boys and girls -- do you need to see raped in front of you before you change your mind about Iraq? Fifty? Fifty thousand? Will that make a dent in your stainless steel belief system? How many cries for mercy in the muffled corridors of prison basements? Ten thousand? Ten times ten thousand? They were there. They happened.

They just didn't happen to you. Not in Berkeley. Not in Manhattan. Not in Santa Monica, or at Columbia University. Not in your Sanctuary. If they did we wouldn't be having this discussion, would we? You'd be dead, and it would be your relatives begging for good and powerful people to come to their rescue to stop this horror.

There's nothing "progressive" about what these people believe. It is refined selfishness and moral cowardice....

How far from the reality of human nature do you have to be to see our culture as a curse on the Earth, rather than being the only ones willing to roll up our sleeves, shoot the wolves that are eating our kids, go out into the blizzard to collect some firewood and then paint the goddam house?

Photodude says that when the New York Times charges for columnists they will Kill Their Brand.
If you block access to "Op-Ed and news columnists" to all but subscribers, meaning, Krugman, Brooks, Kristof, Dowd, Friedman ... all those characters the left and right of the blogosphere love to hate ... then you kill your brand. These people are your buzzmakers.
Why he thinks this is a bad thing is beyond me.

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Posted by Vanderleun at April 20, 2005 7:32 AM | TrackBack

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