March 11, 2005

Irony Spam Alert

TECHNORATI HONCHO DAVID SIFRY'S applicaton "" seems to be functioning much better these days now that they've gotten over the November elections and buckled down to work. At the same time, as all bloggers know, comment spam has gotten a lot worse. This lead Sifry to call for what web companies in development do best, a Summit Meeting. His note announcing this was Sifry's Alerts: Web Spam Squashing Summit: 2/24/2005

Technorati is coordinating a Web Spam Squashing Summit in Sunnyvale next Thursday, February 24, and I would like to extend an invitation to all tool developers to attend. Many thanks to Yahoo! for hosting the event on their campus.

The summit will focus on web spam -- not email spam. Web spam includes comment spam, link spam, TrackBack spam, tag spam, and fake weblogs. We are bringing all of the key players together in one room to discuss current projects seeking to address the common problem and hope to leave the event with a solid set of actions.

If you follow the link and cruise the comments you'll note that one thing dominates them: comment spam.

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Posted by Vanderleun at March 11, 2005 07:29 AM | TrackBack

I've said this before: We need modern internet posses to round up these hooligans and apply some old fashioned justice:

Some assembly required.

Brutal? Perhaps. But I'd waged a darn sight more effective than summits.

But that's just me.

Posted by: Rusticus at March 11, 2005 01:43 PM
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