September 14, 2003

The American Way of Fools

This site issues a timely reminder on: "Part of what we're all about..."
"Those who spent a lifetime pasting the US as a patriarchal, racist, fascist theocratic enemy, haven't recovered from finding there actually is such an entity out there primed and willing to kill. After an initial stumble of, "Wha..? So that's what that actually looks like..." they shook their heads and attached even stronger blinders. Can't have a whole lifeview crumble just because of reality. But that is fine. They may weigh us down, but we'll pull ahead anyway because part of what we're about is letting fools be fools."
Still, isn't there something about not suffering fools gladly?
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Posted by Vanderleun at September 14, 2003 12:13 PM | TrackBack
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