May 13, 2004

Invitation to the Beheading of an American Jew

You will be young and full of the idealism and enthusiasm that mark the best of our youth.

You will have energy and ambition, eager to start your life.

You will want to do good and do well at the same time.

You will have been, all your life, a person that helps others, a person who thinks not first and last and only of himself, but of what he can do for others; of what service he can render the world to make his life count.

You will be, in the manner of young men, more physically fearless than wise.

You will be confident in yourself, but impatient with the settled, patterned ways in which your life must advance in your own country.

You will want to get on with the business of your life.

You will seek to make your dreams real through your work.

You will see in the chaos and upheaval of a country struggling out of decades of oppression and centuries of ignorance opportunities to advance that country into the 21st century at the same time you advance yourself.

You will leave the safety and security of your home and your nation and, with only your own skills, a little money, and nothing except the belief you will succeed, you will find yourself in a place where evil is an element of the very air and hell the handmaiden of the night.

You will accept that. You are a young man in start-up mode. You will cut corners and take risks because you have to.

You will be stopped and held in a jail. You will be released from that jail.

You will be warned by the representatives of your country that the place you are in is not safe for Americans without the resources for personal security.

You will be offered safe passage home. For reasons that may never be known you will refuse that counsel and that offer.

You will go back out onto the streets of a city where men gnaw on ancient hates and use modern weapons to hunt for victims; men who thirst for the thrill of doing evil with no restraints known to civilized human beings. Serial killers drunk on blood who have ceased to be human.

You will be captured by those who are your enemies because you are an American. They will learn you are also a Jew and that will seal your fate.

You will hope that you will be exchanged or rescued.

You will know that it is all over for you.

You will live with this knowledge for some days.

You will be bound hand and foot at seated before a camera in front of five subhuman cowards. They have long before decided what will be done to you and how it will be done.

You will state who you are and who your parents are and where you live.

You will be pushed to the floor and your head will be slowly sawed off of your body.

You will yearn to be dead long before death comes to you.

Your head will be held up by vermin and they will promise the same to all other Americans, to all other Jews.

Your death will be applauded by many millions as “appropriate” revenge for photographing men naked. It will be the applause of cowards since these millions are certain they will never have to pay the price as the willing participants in your murder that they are. They know they are seen as “collateral.” They know it is the policy of your nation never to damage them, even as their murderers freely kill the citizens and soldiers of your nation.

Your death will be seen and enjoyed by millions throughout the world, but your fellow countrymen responsible for reporting such things will not show your death to your fellow Americans. Instead they will seek to show more of the Prison pictures which the animals who killed you claimed were the justification for your murder.

That other Americans held by the same animals will suffer your death or worse deaths because these Americans insisted on showing more Prison Pictures will not matter to these Americans who will not show your death.

To these Americans, your death is trivial. More important to them than your death, or the deaths of other Americans, or the deaths of American soldiers is the question of who will win the elections. Your death does not matter to them. They seek only to have their fantasy of what America should be reaffirmed in November. They seek only for America to be the way we never were.

Your body will be discovered hanging from a bridge in the manner of these things. Your head will be somewhere nearby.

Your story will be told, carefully, for a day or two or three. Then it will be placed among those thousands of other stories that your fellow Americans who work in the media have decided are too upsetting and threatening for Americans to see or remember.

Your death will be filed under “Forget.”

You will be one with those who flung themselves out of the high windows of the burning towers, with those incinerated at the Pentagon, with Daniel Pearl, with the Marines in their barracks in Lebanon, with thousands of other Americans slaughtered by the animals of Islam of whom hundreds of millions of other Muslims are quietly proud.

Your body and your head will be returned home to your family.

Your father, at the bottom of a pit of grief that no imagination can conjure, will blame the President of the United States for your death. He will be right.

In time he will come to know that the agents of your death were those for whom any American or Jew can only be seen as a thing fit to be slaughtered as quickly and painfully as possible. For now,however, it is enough that your father blames the President of the United States. And he will be right.

Your President, passing a group of microphones on the warm green lawn of the White House, will pause and state that the men who killed you will be found and “brought to justice.” He will be lying.

As long as the President and those about him decide, for whatever reasons, to bind the hands of our military for their political gain, there is no chance that the men who took your life will be found and brought to justice. Men who perform these crimes should not be “brought” to justice. Instead, justice should be brought to them swiftly and without remorse. And not to them only, but to all those who support, hide, and empower them. This, for political reasons, will not happen now. For now, the promise of “justice” from this President is hollow.

Your family will mourn you forever.

Your death will go unavenged.

You were young and full of the idealism and enthusiasm that marks the best of our youth.

You were butchered because you were an American and a Jew.

Your death will go unavenged. For now, but not, I pray, forever.

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Posted by Vanderleun at May 13, 2004 2:30 PM | TrackBack
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"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.

Brilliantly said, Gerard. Thank you.

Posted by: Francis W. Porretto at May 13, 2004 3:02 PM

You're brainless. The fact that you lost your head only serves to accentuate the point. You gambled with your life and you lost; tough luck. To make matters worse your idiot Left-leaning father has squandered most of the sympathetic capital you had from the part of the country that actually cares. Now you are a tool of the enemy.

Posted by: NC3 at May 13, 2004 6:18 PM

Animals of Islam?Im not muslim but you lost me right there.

Posted by: lis at May 14, 2004 12:52 AM

Animals of Islam?Im not muslim but you lost me right there.

Posted by: lis at May 14, 2004 12:52 AM

Lets remember another victim of animals
I found your article very moving,can you write another for a young girl 23 years old also an American also just starting her life also full of dreams,also selfless putting others before herself,I believe her name was Rachel Corrie,23,of Olympia Washington.Apparently there are some JEWISH animals too as an ISRAELI bulldozer ran her over as she stood in protest to the destruction of a palestinian settlement,the jewish animal who clearly saw her as she had been out there for 2or 3 hours wearing a bright orange jacket remaining visible decided he would dump a load of dirt on her then crush her to death!this my dear was not a merciful death,as she was heard screaming in agony after she had been ran over 3 times,she died in the hospital,she was an american.ISRAELI STATEMENT;It was a very regrettable incident uh sorry.Animals my dear come in every color.

Posted by: andwat at May 14, 2004 1:30 AM

To compare the pro terrorist suicide victim Rachel Corrie to a young man who was murdered by Islamofascists is disgusting.

Little Rachel wd have gladly stood with and aided the creatures that sawed off Nick Berg's head.

But why let the facts get in the way of a little judenhass?

Posted by: hen at May 14, 2004 4:50 AM

Animals of Islam? What a terrible slander to the millions of moderate, peace loving Muslims who voiced their outrage all over the world in protest of this despicable act committed in their name.

Oh, wait. That didn't happen, did it? Nor did it happen when the vicious animals dismembered the four contractors in Felujah. Nor the time before that. Nor the time before that. In fact, it's NEVER happened. CAIR issued a one sentence CYA statement about the murder of Berg that was as perfunctory as possible. And then returned to their mission of protesting every imagined slight to Muslim dignity.

Americans set up a hue and cry heard around the world in protest of the brutal idiots who mistreated the Iraqi prisoners in our Army's uniform. We screamed at the abomination of a rogue soldier pointing at a prisoners pee pee.

"That's not what we're like. Americans don't act like this. We WILL find and punish the perpetrators. All the way up the chain of command." The investigation was well begun, the acts had been reported to the press and JAG was gathering evidence for proceedings to punish the guilty parties BEFORE the general public was made aware of the infractions. We Americans condemn, and punish our criminals. The Muslim world dances in the street (preferably waving body parts) when murder is committed to shouts of, "Allah Akbar."

Where is the Muslim outcry over an innocent man's head being sawn off, on tape, to cries of "God is great."? If Southern Baptists were killing Arabs because "God told them to", would the American public silently observe? Or would we be screaming in outrage?

The Muslim world condones these acts with their silence. Like the German civilians who tolerated the Nazi death camps. And they can't even utter the weak excuse of, "We didn't know."

"Moderate" Muslims are like the Dodo bird. I've heard of them, but don't believe I've ever seen one.

Posted by: Bigdiogi at May 14, 2004 6:15 AM

Animals of Islam? What a terrible slander to the millions of moderate, peace loving Muslims who voiced their outrage all over the world in protest of this despicable act committed in their name.

Oh, wait. That didn't happen, did it? Nor did it happen when the vicious animals dismembered the four contractors in Felujah. Nor the time before that. Nor the time before that. In fact, it's NEVER happened. CAIR issued a one sentence CYA statement about the murder of Berg that was as perfunctory as possible. And then returned to their mission of protesting every imagined slight to Muslim dignity.

Americans set up a hue and cry heard around the world in protest of the brutal idiots who mistreated the Iraqi prisoners in our Army's uniform. We screamed at the abomination of a rogue soldier pointing at a prisoners pee pee.

"That's not what we're like. Americans don't act like this. We WILL find and punish the perpetrators. All the way up the chain of command." The investigation was well begun, the acts had been reported to the press and JAG was gathering evidence for proceedings to punish the guilty parties BEFORE the general public was made aware of the infractions. We Americans condemn, and punish our criminals. The Muslim world dances in the street (preferably waving body parts) when murder is committed to shouts of, "Allah Akbar."

Where is the Muslim outcry over an innocent man's head being sawn off, on tape, to cries of "God is great."? If Southern Baptists were killing Arabs because "God told them to", would the American public silently observe? Or would we be screaming in outrage?

The Muslim world condones these acts with their silence. Like the German civilians who tolerated the Nazi death camps. And they can't even utter the weak excuse of, "We didn't know."

"Moderate" Muslims are like the Dodo bird. I've heard of them, but don't believe I've ever seen one.

Posted by: Bigdiogi at May 14, 2004 6:15 AM

Sorry 'bout that. Got a posting error.

Nothing better calculated to take the steam out of your argument, than to look like a total moron when posting.

No, this is not my first time on the Internet. Yes, I am older than 12. No, I don't have an AOL account. Yes, I took all my meds today. (Though I think I will have another Zanex. This topic raises my blood pressure.)

Posted by: bigdogi at May 14, 2004 6:22 AM

I guess since Lis posted her protest twice I have to post my rebuttal twice. Yeah, that's the ticket. I did it on purpose. So there.

Posted by: bigdiogi at May 14, 2004 6:26 AM

I think it's pretty obvious that the "animals of islam" are being differentiated from the non-animals of islam, as "others" are noted in the same sentence.

Read, then think, then post.

Posted by: spongeworthy at May 14, 2004 9:40 AM

Gerard - Just wanted to thank you for posting this. I'm still coming to grips with Berg's murder. This helps.

Posted by: Harvey at May 14, 2004 10:42 AM

Gerard Amen, well said.

Posted by: Doug at May 14, 2004 10:44 AM


Animals do come in all shapes and colors, but to apply this statement to the Rachel Corrie incident is outrageous:

1. The investigation concluded that there was no way that the bulldozer operator could have seen Corrie from his seat (but of course since the investigation was run by jewish animals, we can't believe its results)
2. Rachel was not run over 3 times - she was crushed by the dirt & debris being moved by the bulldozer and was never actually run over.

I know that facts are an enemy to terror appologists, but it would help your cause to at least pick a story a bit further removed from our memories or a bit less documented - like the Jenin massacre perpetrated by those very same jewish animals...

what? you mean that's not true either?!

Posted by: RaphDaRussian at May 14, 2004 5:54 PM

Oh, Jeebus, not some moron bringing up St. Pancake!

Posted by: BarCodeKing at May 15, 2004 8:52 AM

Remember moderate muslims move up under Islamic law why should they rock the boat?

Posted by: howard at May 15, 2004 2:28 PM

Moderate Muslims? Are those the victims of Saddam's torture and the beatings of the Taliban?

Aren't they the ones who OUGHT to be thankful that the Judeo-Christian President Bush was the ONLY one on earth who felt that Muslims deserve the same rights God gave ALL people?

Where were all the Liberals while Saddam's TRUE atrocities were committed? Where were the Liberals while Ltjg Kerry was shooting civilians with his .50 cal? (His own fellow Swift Boat commanders complained of the John Kerry My Lai) Kofi Annan France and Germany were too busy cashing checks for the UN Whorehouse.

The Muslim world should be humiliated that President Bush is the only one to liberate Muslims. Rachel Corrie suppored the dictators who enslave the Palestinian people and prevent them from having their own homeland and peace. Arafat doesn't want peace, then he would have to govern rather than murder.

Which nation in the Middle East is the only nation where Muslims have the right to vote?? Where Muslims have any rights?? Ask Rachel Corrie... The answer is Israel.

The choice will be clear, this November. President Bush who liberated Afghanistan and Iraq or Hillary, who turned her back on the cries of the enslaved Muslims.

Posted by: JoeS at May 16, 2004 12:13 PM

Good words. Thank you Gerard.

Posted by: David Melle at May 19, 2004 12:34 PM

Uh.... you are.... misled. Especially all you pro-Dubya *cough*idiots*cough*.

But anyway..... none of you seem to realize that the good old Bush & Co. war machine killed Berg!

Anyone who can't see the OBVIOUS fact in the video is either blind, didn't watch it and believes mainstream TeeVee media, or is... *cough*Stupid*Cough*.

Pardon my... lack of.. tact, here. This sickens me. When are you people going to WAKE UP and smell the coffee? Why do you want to be ruled by someone who is taking your rights away, creating hatred of americans all over the world, spending your great-grandchildrens money while RUINING their world... destroying their futures... certainly destroying your present... creating chaos... and leading us into fascism?

Is this truly what the founding fathers had in mind? I don't think so.

I hate to say this.. but you people deserve what you get - but I don't, and my grandson doesn't, so please, get a clue...


Posted by: Linda at May 28, 2004 12:29 AM

Linda, please insert large objects in all of your orifices. Thank you.

Posted by: pete miller at May 29, 2004 7:19 AM

Well, I certainly would not have put it (at least at this stage) quite that way.

I'd only point out that whatevr we people get, we are going to get it together if we don't get it together to overcome the fools among us that somehow have come to the conviction that we did this to ourselves.

What Linda fails to understand is that it is exactly her grandson who is at risk and who will, if we cannot act effectively, get it big time upon reaching his majority.

Posted by: vanderleun at May 29, 2004 7:26 AM

Linda should open a berka store. She obviously sees an opportunity by withdrawing in the face of the animals of Islam. Oh, and then there is the surgery she needs to have. I am sure some handy Muslim can do it for her. Once she has the berka and the surgery she can fit into her new world order.

Posted by: Mexbeef at May 29, 2004 9:37 PM

WARNING: stop putting the blame on any one. solve the problem, not excuses. we americans were hated a long time (about 1500 years) by the muslims. any religon that teaches intolerence will not stand the test of time! but patiance and tolerence can wear thin.WARNING!!!!

Posted by: lee at June 28, 2004 11:43 AM
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