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KILLDOZER! When Men Get Really Pissed Off

“Evacuate Mountain Park! Here he comes!”

A man for this season and coming ones.

“Marvin John Heemeyer (October 28, 1951 – June 4, 2004) was an American welder and an automobile muffler repair shop owner most known for his rampage with a modified bulldozer. Outraged over zoning disputes, he armored a Komatsu D355A bulldozer with layers of steel and concrete and used it on June 4, 2004 to demolish the town hall, the former mayor’s house, and other buildings in Granby, Colorado. The rampage ended when the bulldozer got stuck in the basement of a Gambles store he was in the process of destroying. Heemeyer then killed himself with a handgun.

Heemeyer had been feuding with Granby officials, particularly over fines for violating city ordinances and a zoning dispute regarding a concrete batch plant constructed opposite his muffler shop”

HT: Western Rifle Shooters Association | The battle is for the hearts and minds of Norm the Normie and his family. Never forget that both sides are fighting for that ground. Do your part every day.

UPDATE: Glenda T. Goode in the comments notes the underlying meaning with:

We see in this example a symptom of the issues facing our nation today. We see the government moving against the people with an agenda that is driven by special interests. The massive size and depth of the bureaucracy is such that the average individual has no chance to stop or alter the course of the government and we have seen in the behaviors of the deep state following the 2016 election that even a duly elected president is almost helpless in the face of the discrimination and conspiracy of the deep state.

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  • Sam L. June 5, 2018, 7:11 PM

    Righteous retribution!

  • Terry June 5, 2018, 7:39 PM

    That must have been a continuous LOL for that dude. Cops running around like scared cats.

  • james wilson June 5, 2018, 8:52 PM

    I propose a national holiday in his name, to be celebrated the third Monday in January.

  • Casey Klahn June 5, 2018, 10:06 PM

    Yawn. I was just there, in Colorado, a few dozen miles to the East and North of there, and climbed all over 2 working M4 Sherman tanks, an M5 Stuart, and walked around maybe 50 assorted vehicles from the WWII era. Killdozer? Bring it!

  • Glenda T. Goode June 6, 2018, 6:03 AM

    While the actions of Heemeyer represent the wrong way to respond to a civil dispute you have to wonder why his case was totally ignored by the local politicians. Zoning ordinances and hearings are supposed to work for the people and do their best to accommodate all citizens needs and not to suit an agenda per se. I will admit that in my life’s experience, I have seen them work both ways. For whatever reason the government of Granby refused to offer any concessions to what was an existing use which typically should be allowed.

    We see in this example a symptom of the issues facing our nation today. We see government moving against the people with an agenda that is driven by special interests. The massive size and depth of the bureaucracy is such that the average individual has no chance to stop or alter the course of the government and we have seen in the behaviors of the deep state following the 2016 election that even a duly elected president is almost helpless in the face of the discrimination and conspiracy of the deep state.

    The lesson to be learned may be already too late. Without really noticing, we have allowed our government to increase to a size to such an extent that it is not subject to the people’s mandate any longer. The workings of our government agencies serve to perpetuate their existence first and then to serve those who politically are aligned with their agenda second, and third, on occasion help a special interest group.

    Heemeyer knew that he could not defeat the local government and that their deck was stacked against him. His reaction was one that we all can identify with as far as the hopelessness that he felt in the face of those aligned against him. While not endorsing his actions I have to admit I understand why he became so frustrated. Government by the people does not exist; at least not in Granby Colorado.

  • Suburbanbanshee June 6, 2018, 6:17 AM

    Apparently there is still a lot of local sympathy for the guy, mostly because he was reasonably careful not to physically hurt anybody.

    There’s a Russian movie based on the story but set in Russia, and their guy is basically killing people (or so I’ve heard). Misses the point.

  • Rick June 6, 2018, 7:59 AM

    I have those kinds of days, when the forces of evil are extra evil and the government just wants to screw you and yours without a care for the law.
    Brave man.

  • AmericusMagnus June 6, 2018, 12:34 PM

    Government induced rage/hopelessness…
    On a similar note, a lot of people sympathize with the pilot who flew his private plane into the IRS building in Austin, Texas. Sometimes people feel they have nothing left to lose.

  • UncleRob June 6, 2018, 6:39 PM

    I’d forgotten about this incident, though, watching it, I remember coverage. What disturbs me is, the way the cops responded. The guy wasn’t hurting folks… just destroying selected properties. For that, he must be killed? I know he took his own life, but the cops ( and even the Governor) tried to take him out. Maybe it was only a matter of time before he accidentally killed someone, though everything he did was less than 10 mph.. I can totally relate to him though… and feel for what happens when “the system”.. pushes someone and removes hope of redress. The progressives should take note.

  • Howard Nelson June 6, 2018, 8:19 PM

    When our patience reaches its limit, the golden thread and silver cord are broken, the game of Life all sorrow, we throw in our cards turned shards, for us there’s no tomorrow.